The user must supply his own main program to initialize the package and generate events.
The initialization routine LQINIT must be called once to perform some initialization and calculate the total cross-section. Some simple checks are make to see that the required leptoquark and decay process are consistent with the requested quantum numbers and couplings. A call is automatically made to the routine TOTSCALAR or TOTVECTOR to calculate the total cross-section. The differential cross-section function XSCALAR or XVECTOR is numerically integrated as a test that the generator is initialized properly. The resonance width and branching ratio are also calculated. A program banner, the value of some parameters and the process to be generated are printed out.
Events are generated by calling the routine LQGEN once per event in the user main program. The routine to create the event record, LQFILL, is then automatically called by LQGEN. Routines from JETSET are used for final state fragmentation and decay processes.
All other subroutines and functions are called internally. But, if so desired, the total cross-section functions or differential cross-section functions (function of polar angle) may be called by the user after initialization.