
Hailey Perlitz - Young

Hailey Hey everyone, I'm Hailey. I'm Edmonton Eyeworks' secretary, meaning I'm the one who writes the update emails, and keeps everything organized. I'm in my 4th year of university, though I would consider myself a second year, again. I'm currently in the faculty of arts with a Japanese language major and an East Asian studies minor. My first year of studies was open studies, because let's face it, I'm a horrible decision maker. I've changed my major twice now.

I live with my grandmother in the west end of Edmonton, and prefer the LRT to buses, even though there isn't a station even remotely near my house (and I probably will be done school before they build one there). I enjoy reading, programming, gaming, singing, and spending time with my wonderful friends. I also enjoy school, and would probably be a professional student, if I thought I could afford it (wouldn't it be nice to get paid to go to school?). As an alternative to that, I'm studying to get my translation ticket in Japanese, and am contemplating teaching English in Japan at some point.

Favourite Quote:

This is something up with which I will not put.

- Winston Churchill