
Pierce Beisel

Pierce Hello my many fans! (there's got to be at least one out there, statistically it makes perfect sense, and I need to make sure I send out the love) My name is Pierce Beisel, and I am the founder and President of Edmonton Eyeworks. Now, as my esteemed Secretary and "Captain" (you know who you are) have lead you to believe that I am majoring in Putting Things Off, in the Department of Procrastination, this is untrue. Although, I'm sure I would be maintaining a 4.0 gpa if that were the case. To set the record straight, currently I am in the faculty of arts. Hope to see people come out and lend a hand (gives you that fuzzy feeling) and have a good time. A warning though, I try to have a sense of humor, so if you do not possess said sense, I'll be forced to lend you some of mine. :)