Pipe ❯


Pump ❯


Turbine ❯


Sudden Contraction/Expansion ❯

Sudden Contraction/Expansion

Gradual Contraction/Expansion ❯

Gradual Contraction/Expansion

Bends/Elbows ❯


Inlets/Exits ❯


How to Use ❯

How to Use



The purpose of Hydraulic Grade Lines and Energy Grade Lines are to graphically show the mechanical energy of a streamline using heights. These heights are calculated using the Bernoulli Equation where each term is divided by gravity to get the heads. \[ \frac{P}{\rho g} + \frac{V^2}{2g} + z = H \]
Bernoulli Equation (divided by gravity)
\(P\) Pressure(Pa)
\(\rho\) Fluid Density(kg/m3)
\(V\) Velocity of Fluid(m/s)
\(z\) Elevation(m)
\(g\) Acceleration due to gravity(9.81m/s2)
\(H\) Bernoulli Head(m)
Each term is named as follows:
    Pressure Head
    Pressure Head is the height a column of fluid must be to produce an equivalent static pressure. \[\frac{P}{\rho g}\]
    Pressure Head
    \(P\) Pressure(Pa)
    \(\rho\) Fluid Density(kg/m3)
    \(g\) Acceleration due to gravity(9.81m/s2)
    Velocity Head
    Velocity Head is the height the fluid must start at to reach the same velocity during frictionless freefall. \[\frac{V^2}{2g}\]
    Velocity Head
    \(V\) Velocity of the Fluid(m/s)
    \(g\) Acceleration due to gravity(m/s2)
    Elevation Head
    Elevation Head displays the potential energy of the fluid.
    Elevation Head
    \(z\) Elevation(m)

Hydraulic Grade Lines are found using a piezometer to measure static pressure at several points along the pipe system. The following expression is used to convert the measured static pressure into head.
\[HGL = \frac{P}{\rho g} + z \]
Hydraulic Grade Line \((HGL)\)
\(P\) Pressure(Pa)
\(\rho\) Fluid Density(kg/m3)
\(g\) Acceleration due to gravity(9.81m/s2)
\(z\) Elevation(m)
Energy Grade Lines are found using a Pitot tube to measure dynamic and static pressures at several points along the pipe system. The following expression is used to convert the measured static and dynamic pressure into head.

\[EGL = \frac{P}{\rho g} + \frac{V^2}{2g} + z\]
Energy Grade Line \((EGL)\)
\(P\) Pressure(Pa)
\(\rho\) Fluid Density(kg/m3)
\(g\) Acceleration due to gravity(9.81m/s2)
\(V\) Fluid Velocity(m/s)
\(z\) Elevation(m)
Notice that the difference differ by the \(\frac{V^2}{2g}\) term which is called the dynamic head or velocity head. It is also important to note that the difference between HGL and EGL will increase if the fluid's velocity increases or will decrease if the fluid's velocity decreases because they differ by the dynamic head.

Stationary Bodies such as reservoirs have the head at their surface because the Velocity is 0m/s and Pressure is at atmospheric pressure. Therefore, stationary bodies only have elevation as effective head. This also means that EGL is equal to HGL on stationary bodies. The elevation of these stationary bodies is often measured from the centerline of a pipe system well below the surface of the body.

The simulation focuses on providing a visual representation of Hydraulic and Energy Grade Lines in a turbulent system. The calculations present in the simulation utilize the Bernoulli Energy Equation, which includes the changes in mechanical energy caused by pumps, turbines, and head loss. \[ \frac{P_1}{\rho_1 g} + \alpha_1\frac{V^2_1}{2g} + z_1 + h_{pump, u} = \frac{P_2}{\rho_2 g} + \alpha_2\frac{V^2_2}{2g} + z_2 + h_{turbine, e} + h_L \]
Bernoulli Energy Equation
\(P\) Pressure(Pa)
\(\rho\) Fluid Density(kg/m3)
\(g\) Acceleration due to gravity(9.81m/s2)
\(V\) Fluid Velocity(m/s)
\(z\) Elevation(m)
\(\alpha\) Energy Correction Factor
\(h_{pump,u}\) Mechanical Energy provided in head(m)
\(h_{turbine,e}\) Mechanical Energy removed in head(m)
\(h_L\) Head Loss(m)
The simulation simplifies the effects of pumps and turbines to a single value. The component will either be specified as an addition or a removal of mechanical energy to the overall system. The efficiencies of the pump and turbines are assumed to be 100%.

Kinetic Energy Correction Factor (alpha) is given as a correction to a definition within Bernoulli’s Equation. It is typically given as 1.05 for turbulent flows and 2 for laminar flow. In elementary analysis of turbulent flow systems, this value is often ignored.

Head Loss (hL) represents the total frictional losses associated with the fluid flow along the pipe system. These frictional losses are proportional the velocity of the fluid flowing through the pipes. Head Loss is split into major and minor loss.\[h_{L,total} = h_{L,major} + h_{L,minor}\] Major loss is characterized by the summation of frictional losses in long straight pipe systems. Minor losses are associated with pipe fittings, valves, other various non-straight components in a pipe system. These components disrupt the smooth flow of the fluid and induce flow separation and mixing. This is represented as: \[h_{L,total} = h_{L,major} + h_{L,minor} = \sum_{i} f_i \frac{L_i}{D_i}\frac{V_i^2}{2g} + \sum_{j} K_{L, j} \frac{V_j^2}{2g}\]
Total Head Loss
\(h_{L,total}\) Total Head Loss(m)
\(f\) Darcy-Weisbach friction factor
\(L\) Length of pipe component(m)
\(D\) Diameter of Pipe Component(m)
\(V\) Fluid Velocity(m/s)
\(g\) Acceleration due to gravity(9.81m/s2)
\(K_L\) Minor Loss Coefficient
\(i\) # of frictional components
\(j\) # of minor loss components
The friction factor (f) for turbulent flow is solved implicitly using the Colebrook-White Equation given as: \[\frac{1}{\sqrt{f}} = -2.0\mathrm{log}\left(\frac{\frac{\epsilon}{D}}{3.7} + \frac{2.51}{Re\sqrt{f}}\right)\]
Darcy-Weisbach Friction Factor Equation
\(f\) Darcy-Weisbach friction factor
\(\epsilon\) Roughness(m)
\(D\) Pipe Diameter(m)
\(Re\) Reynolds Number
The equation is solved using an computation-heavy iterative method.

Minor loss (kL) has been found empirically and tabulated for many components of a pipe system.


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