EE 552 2003w 2003-1-17
Lab 3: VHDL Synthesis and Extracted-Timing Simulation
Please read the requirements for lab
In this lab, you will design systems in VHDL, synthesize them, extract
timing information and simulate using the extracted timing information.
You will also use static timing analysis to find the performance of circuits
and to tune a pipelined circuit. Static timing analysis finds the
slowest path through a circuit without simulation or considering specific
data, hence the word "static". Static timing analysis can be used
to measure delays, setup/hold times and minimum clock periods.
The use of the MAX+PLUS II "Timing Analyzer" is described.
You will be using the Altera MAX+PLUS II tools (maxplus2 is available
on the CAD suns, or sign out CD-1 for installation on your own PC).
This lab has two parts: an exercise that is not handed in, in which
you will become familiar with the tools, and a lab that will be submitted
for marking, in which you will create your own design.
Labs are to be done individually. Please feel free to consult
the professor, the T.A. or your fellow students for help with tools and
Old versions of Maxplus2 may start new projects in VHDL-1987 mode.
To switch the maxplus2 compiler to VHDL-1993 mode, open/select the compiler
window and select:
Interfaces -> VHDL netlist reader settings...
In order to set the clock period to any desired value, and not just a multiple
of the simulation grid size, open/select the waveform editor window and
To select the device FLEX EPF10K20RC240-4, used in this lab, select:
Assign -> Device ...
select device family: FLEX10K from the first list
deselect show only fastest speed grades
select EPF10K20RC240-4 from the second list
When things aren't going right...
When things aren't going right and the error messages aren't very
meaningful, try these desperate
Narrow down what's causing the mystery problems. Comment out large
chunks of VHDL code, including recent additions, until the error goes away.
See if your code compiles in another tool such as Mentor Graphics.
Quit max2win and restart it.
Some of your configuration files (e.g. *.acf) may have become corrupted.
Quit max2win, rename your acf file
( % mv thing.acf thing.acf.backup )
and restart maxplus2. If all else fails, move your *.vhd files
to a new directory and recompile.
Try removing ~/maxplus2.ini and restarting max2win
Check you disk quota
% fs lq
Exercise (do not hand in)
1164 Std_logic
Try an old exam question for fun.
Become Familiar with MAX+PLUS II
Create a directory for the lab and start maxplus2.
% mkdir ~/ee552/lab3
% cd ~/ee552/lab3
% max2win &
Work through the student
application notes on the maxplus2 editor, device selector, compiler,
and simulator.
Simulate a Simple Combinational Circuit
Simulate a 4-bit adder compiled for a FLEX EPF10K20RC240-4. Try to
determine the inputs (previous values and new values) that produce the
maximum delay. What is the maximum delay? What is the maximum
number of times the output changes for one change to the input (zoom in
on the simulated waveform)?
-- Adder
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
entity adder is
:positive := 4);
port(a,b: in std_logic_vector(adder_width-1
downto 0);
sum: out std_logic_vector(adder_width downto 0)
end adder;
architecture behavioural of adder is
sum <= a + b;
end behavioural;
Delay Analysis
Now run static timing analysis. Select:
MAX+plus II -> Timing Analyzer ...
Analysis -> Delay Matrix
Where is the critical path (from what signal to what signal)?
What kind of adder is implemented?
Read the online documentation for the maxplus2 Timing Analyzer.
Help -> MAX+plus II Table of Contents
Analysis of Clocked Circuits
The timing analyzer can also be used for clocked circuits:
Analysis -> Setup & Hold Matrix
Analysis -> Registered Performance
Get a copy of this 2-bit synchronous counter, count2bit.vhd
(follow the link), compile and simulate it.
What is the shortest clock period (to the nearest ns) where the counter
still operates correctly?
Simulating, what is the shortest clock period (to the nearest ns) where
the least significant bit of the counter still operates correctly?
Can you find an example of the counter being clocked too quickly and
describe the result? You may observe wavefront pipelining where the
data takes more than a clock cycle to flow through.
Run all requested simulations with extracted timing for a FLEX EPF10K20RC240-4.
Part A: Thoughts on Simulation
For the adder above, the propagation delay until the last signal is stable
depends on what values were last applied to the two inputs and what new
values are currently applied. Exactly how many pairs of previous
inputs and new inputs would you have to test to exhaustively determine
the maximum delay between all combinations of inputs?
Making reasonable assumptions about the implementation of the adder, what
sets of inputs might produce the maximum delay?
Part B: Interfacing and Implementation
a system that displays an 9-bit count on two 7-segment displays in hexadecimal
(base 16) plus one bit to the decimal point.
The binary counter should have an asynchronous active-low reset.
The binary to 7-segment display decoder should correctly display 0-9,A,b,C,d,E,F.
The asynchronous reset and outputs should be active low.
Use the following numbering for the 7 segments:
| |
|5 |1
| |
|4 |2
What is the minimum clock period for which the circuit still performs correctly
through all states (values of counter)?
What is the worst-case delay from clock to output?
What is the worst-case delay from reset to output?
Part C: Configuring FPGAs/CPLDs - Bonus for next lab
You may get this section checked off by your TA in this lab period or next.
Hand in the questions as part of the next lab.
Transfer your VHDL design from part B above to a chip. Create
an *.sof file in ETLC e5-013. From a PC in the ETLC e5-001 hardware
lab, transfer the *.sof file from cad?? using ssh.
You'll need your ONE-CARD to get in to the labs and your nyquist account
to login to a PC.
Assign the pins according to this
procedure. Use the FLEX pushbuttons (FLEX_PB1 & 2) for input
and FLEX 7-segment LEDs (FLEX_DIGIT) for output as described in the UP1
Now download the configuration
to the chip. After resetting, you'll see that pushing the button
used as the clock input causes the counter to increment more than once.
Record how many clock edges are detected for pushing and for releasing
the clock button (reset in-between).
What is the maximum and the average count for pressing the button?
What is the maximum and the average count for releasing the button?
Show this system to your TA during the lab and have your name recorded.
Feel free to speculate as to what is causing the multiple counts.
Part D: Behavioural VHDL for Datapaths
Design a circuit in VHDL that produces a sequence of factorials at its
output. You may use the following C code for inspiration.
/* create a table of factorials */
#include <stdio.h>
#define UPPER_LIMIT 7
int n, factorial;
factorial = 1;
for( n=1; n<=UPPER_LIMIT; n++) {
factorial = factorial * n;
printf("%2d, %4d\n", n, factorial);
Report the minimum clock period for which your circuit behaves correctly.
Simulate with that clock period and a clock period that is too short for
the circuit to behave correctly.
Part E: Bonus [10%]
Determine when unnecessary hardware gets optimized out of an implementation.
Use the *.vho file and logic cell count from lab 4. Attempt to demonstrate
a parameterized design that used different hardware for different parameter
[As suggested by one of your classmates.]