This is where you define which node (port) goes to which pin. All pin and device configuration information is stored in .ACF files.

You must set a pin to all ports declared in your entity you do this by choosing Assign -> Pin/Location/Chip.... The following should appear:

figure 4.1

You then type the name of the port (located in the entity definition in your source code) in the box beside Node Name. The Pin Type box should be filled with the type of pin you are using. With our example BLINK when you fill the Node Name with "i" the Pin Type box displays Input, if you type "o" the Pin Type box displays Output.

You now have to decide which pin you want to use for this node. You do this by going to either PIN Descriptions which lists all the pins on the FPGA and where they go, or by going to the Altera documentation. For our example we want the input to be a push button. The PIN Descriptions tells me that the FLEX_PB1 is pin number 28 on the UP1 Board. So we enter in 28 into the box beside Pin. After you have typed in the pin number press the Add button. You should see the following:

figure 4.2

You then have to create a pin for every other port in your entity (i.e. repeat for the port "o" using pin FLEX_DIGIT1_A). After you have completed all of your port assignments press OK.


Mark Fedorak, Vera Casteel, Kris Pucci, Ron Smith - 1998