Canadian Journal of Sociology
Volume 25, Issue 3, Summer 2000


The Authors/Les auteurs

Theorizing the Good Society: Hermeneutic, Normative and Empirical Discourses
by Jeffrey Alexander

Constructuing rBST in Canada: Biotechnology, Instability and the Management of Nature
by Kevin Edson Jones

Essai critique sur le discours socio-communautaire
by Lionel-H. Groulx

Research Note/Note de recherche
Neighbourhood Poverty in Canadian Cities
by A. Kazemipur and S. S. Halli

Notes on the Discipline/Notes sociologique
A Personal Take of Some Engaging Books from the Past Decade
by Augustine Brannigan

A Productive Decade in the Tradition of Canadian Sociology
by Simon Langlois

Book Reviews/Comptes rendus
Peter Dicken, Global Shift: Transforming the World Economy
by Michael R. Smith

Linda Fuller, Where Was the Working Class? Revolution in Eastern Germany
by Alena Heitlinger

Hughes, Gordon Understanding Crime Prevention: Social Control, Risk and Late Modernity
by Wendy Chan

Wsevolod W. Isajiw, Understanding Diversity: Ethnicity and Race in the Canadian Context
by Stanley R. Barrett

Lyle Larson, J. Walter Goltz, and Brenda Munro, Families in Canada: Social Contexts, Continuities, and Changes
Evelyn Ashton-Jones, Gary Olsen and Merry G. Perry, The Gender Reader
by Dr. Gerry Coulter

Anton C. Zijderveld, The Waning of the Welfare State: The End of Comprehensive State

by John A. Hall

Books Reveived/Livres reçus