Canadian Journal of Sociology
Volume 25, Issue 3, Summer 2000
The Authors/Les auteurs
Jeffrey Alexander is a Professor of Sociology at the University of California at Los Angeles. He is working in the areas of social theory, cultural sociology, and civil society. His most recent publications are Neofunctionalism and After (Blackwell l998), Real Civil Societies: Dilemmas of Institutionalization (edited, Sage, 1999), Cultural Trauma (with Eyerman, Giesen, and Smelser, forthcoming, University of California Press), and The New Social Theory: Contemporary Debates (edited, with Steven Seidman, forthcoming, Routledge).
Augustine Brannigan is a Professor of Sociology at the University of Calgary.
Lionel-Henri Groulx est professeur à l’École de service social de l’Université de Montréal. Il a publié Le travail social : analyse et évolution (Éditions Agence d’Arc, 1993), Où va le modèle suédois (P.U.M., 1991) et en collaboration La recherche qualitative (t. 1 et t. 2, Gaétan Morin, 1997 et 1998). Ses recherche portent sur la comparaison internationale du revenu minimum garanti et l’histoire des politiques sociales au Canada.
Shiva Halli is a Professor of Sociology at the University of Manitoba. In the last 13 years, he has published six books and more than 30 research papers in national and international journals.
Kevin E. Jones is a doctoral student at the Centre for Research into Innovation, Culture and Technology (CRICT) at Brunel University in London (UK). His current research concentrates on the role of biotechnological development in shaping the ways we perceive and relate to nature and environment. Other interests include the production of corporate science, the formation of environmental movements and cultural conceptions of wilderness.
Abdolmohammad Kazemipur is a Professor in Sociology at the University of Lethbridge. He has published a number of papers in referred journals on issues related to immigration, ethnic relations, poverty and inequality in Canada. His book, The New Poverty in Canada: Ethnic Groups and Ghetto Neighbourhoods (2000), co-authored with Shiva Halli, is published by Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc.
Simon Langlois is a Professor of Sociology at Laval University in Quebec.