I'm a professor at the physics department of the University of Alberta. I am an experimental physicist interested in neutrinos and searches for dark matter. I am currently working on the P-ONE, PICO and I used to work on the SNO+ experiment. Before, I also worked on the SNO experiment. Recently my group started to develop a new neutrino experiment called P-ONE that is targeted to be deployed in the Pacific Ocean. These pages contain a few details about myself and some basic information about the experiments I am involved in.
If you are interested in undergraduate research experience or in graduate work in the field of dark matter search or neutrino physics, please have a look at these possible projects. You can also contact me.
If you are interested in a postion as an undergraduate summer
researcher come to my office (CCIS 2-085) or call me (+1 780 492
For graduate opportunities, please note that I can only accept scholarship students at the moment (for the winter 2026 admission round).
Prospective graduate students, please have a look at the expectations described here for work in my group.