Invited Professional Refereeing
2025: Synthese
2024: Biology & Philosophy (4x), British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, The Philosophical Quarterly, Science & Education, Synthese (2x). Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale. University of Alberta Philosophy Graduate Student Group Conference. KLI – Konrad Lorenz Institute
2023: Australasian Journal of Philosophy (2x), Erkenntnis (2x), European Journal for Philosophy of Science, Evolution & Development, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (2x), Journal for General Philosophy of Science, The Journal of Philosophy, Philosophers' Imprint, The Philosophical Quarterly, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology, Synthese (3x), Theoria. Société de philosophie des sciences – Prix Jeunes chercheurs et jeunes chercheuses (France). University of Alberta Philosophy Graduate Student Group Conference
2022: Analytic Philosophy, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Cladistics (2x), Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Erkenntnis, European Journal for Philosophy of Science, Feminist Philosophy Quarterly, Journal of Morphology (2x), The Philosophical Quarterly, Philosophy of Science (2x), Studies in History in Philosophy of Science (2x), Synthese (2x), Theoria, Topoi. DFG – German Research Foundation, European Research Council
2021: Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Biology & Philosophy (3x), Erkenntnis, European Journal for Philosophy of Science, The Journal of Philosophy, Journal of the History of Biology, Life, Metaphysics, Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology, Philosophy of Science, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science (3x), Synthese (3x), a submission to an edited volume to be published by MIT Press. Graduate Women in Science National Fellowship Program (USA), Icelandic Research Fund, Research Foundation Flanders (Belgium)
2020: Biology & Philosophy, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science (2x), European Journal for Philosophy of Science (2x), Inquiry, Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy, Philosophies, Philosophy of Science, Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, Synthese (2x), a submission to an edited volume to be published by Springer. University of Alberta Philosophy Graduate and Postgraduate Conference (2x). KLI – Konrad Lorenz Institute, National Science Foundation (USA)
2019: Biology & Philosophy, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Evolution & Development (2x), Evolutionary Biology, Metaphysics, Philosophical Psychology, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, Philosophy of Science (2x), Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences (4x), Synthese (2x), Theoria (2x). 3rd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Metaphysics Collaborative, University of Alberta Philosophy Graduate and Postgraduate Conference (2x), annual congress of the Western Canadian Philosophical Association
2018: Biology & Philosophy, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science (2x), Erkenntnis, Journal for General Philosophy of Science (2x), Journal for the History of Philosophy, Journal of the History of Biology, PLOS ONE, Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences (2x), Synthese (3x). Annual congress of the Western Canadian Philosophical Association and the Canadian Society for Environmental Philosophy / Société Canadienne de Philosophie Environnementale (2x). Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research, Research Foundation Flanders (Belgium), Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (Canada)
2017: British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Foundations of Science, Philosophy of Science (2x), PLOS ONE, Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology, Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Synthese, a submission to an edited volume to be published by Springer. Oxford University Press. Research Foundation Flanders (Belgium)
2016: Australasian Journal of Philosophy, Biological Theory, Erkenntnis, History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, The Journal of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science, Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Synthese (2x). Annual congress of the Canadian Philosophical Association, 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Ethics in Engineering, Science, and Technology (3x), annual congress of the Western Canadian Philosophical Association and inaugural meeting of the Canadian Society for Environmental Philosophy / Société Canadienne de Philosophie Environnementale (4x). Société de philosophie des sciences – Prix Jeunes Chercheurs (France)
2015: Bionomina, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Erkenntnis (2x), Philosophical Studies (2x), Philosophy of Science, Science & Education (5x), Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences (2x), Theory in Biosciences. Annual congress of the Canadian Philosophical Association. Oxford University Press. DFG – German Research Foundation
2014: Biological Theory, BioScience, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science (2x), Episteme, Evolutionary Biology, Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, a submission to an edited volume to be published by Wiley-Blackwell. Encyc – Eugenics Archives (2 encyclopedia entries). Annual congress of the Canadian Philosophical Association. European Research Council
2013: Biological Reviews, BioScience, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, Philosophy of Science (2x), Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science. Annual congress of the Canadian Philosophical Association (3x). Research Foundation Flanders, Belgium
2012: Biological Theory, Biology & Philosophy, Bionomina, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Evolution: Education and Outreach, Mind, Philosophy & Technology, Philosophy & Theory in Biology, Philosophy of Science, Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Zootaxa, submissions to edited volumes to be published by Sage and by Springer (4x). Annual congress of the Canadian Philosophical Association (3x). National Science Foundation, USA (2x)
2011: Biological Theory, Biology & Philosophy, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science (3x), Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Compte Rendus Palevol (2x), Developmental Psychobiology, European Journal for Philosophy of Science, International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Philosophy of Science (2x), Science & Education (2x), Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences. Annual congress of the Canadian Philosophical Association (3x). University of Pittsburgh Press. Council for Humanities of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research
2010: British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Journal of Experimental Biology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution, Evolutionary Biology, The Monist, Philosophy & Theory in Biology, The Philosophical Quarterly, Philosophy of Science (2x), Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Synthese. Annual congress of the Canadian Philosophical Association (4x), annual congress of the Western Canadian Philosophical Association. Wiley-Blackwell Publishers
2009: Biology & Philosophy, Erkenntnis, Evolutionary Biology, Journal of Experimental Biology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, Philosophers’ Imprint, Philosophy of Science, Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences. Annual congress of the Canadian Philosophical Association (2x). MIT Press
2008: Biology & Philosophy, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science (3x), Erkenntnis, Evolutionary Biology (2x). Annual congress of the Canadian Philosophical Association (2x). Broadview Press
2007: Acta Biotheoretica, Biology & Philosophy (2x), British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Journal of Experimental Biology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution (2x), Synthese. Annual congress of the Canadian Philosophical Association
2006: Acta Biotheoretica
2005: University of Pittsburgh / Carnegie Mellon University Graduate Student Philosophy Conference
2004: Journal of Experimental Biology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution
2003: Philosophy of Science
2001: University of Pittsburgh / Carnegie Mellon University Graduate Student Philosophy Conference
Professional Service
Public Activities
Poster session committee member for PSA 2024 (biennial meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association). New Orleans, USA. November 14–17, 2024.
Co-organization of the summer school and subsequent workshop “Evolution and Development: From Life to Mind,” funded by the Sino-Australasian Philosophy of Life Sciences Network (SAPoLSN). The summer school took place August 11–17, 2024 at Peking University, and the workshop took place August 19–20, 2024 at the Institute of Philosophy at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIP) in Beijing.
Local Arrangements Coordinator for the 2022 meeting of the Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science.
Proposal and organization of a symposium on “Pluralism and integration in human cognitive and behavioral sciences” at PSA 2020/2021 (biennial meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association). Cognate society session of the Society for Philosophy of Science in Practice. Baltimore, USA. November 11–14, 2021.
Local Arrangements Coordinator for the 2021 meeting of the Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Alberta.
Organization and hosting of workshop Engaging with Science, Values, and Society. University of Alberta, May 8-10, 2019. 20 participants from Canada and the USA (9 presentations).
Program committee member for ECAP 9 (Ninth European Congress of Analytic Philosophy). LMU Munich. August 21–28, 2017.
Program committee member for the workshop Science, Values and Democracy (held in parallel with the 5th René Descartes Lectures delivered by Heather Douglas). Tilburg Center for Logic, Ethics and Philosophy of Science, University of Tilburg. September 5–7, 2016.
Proposal and co-organization of two symposia on “Social and epistemic values in evolution” at ISHPSSB 2015 (biennial meeting of the International Society for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology), with Carla Fehr. Université du Québec à Montréal. July 5–10, 2015. 6 speakers in total, from Canada and the USA.
Organization of workshop Integration in Contemporary Biology: Philosophical Perspectives on the Dynamics of Interdisciplinarity. University of Minnesota, September 23–25, 2011. 21 participants from Canada and the USA (11 presentations).
Proposal and co-organization of two symposia at ISHPSSB 2011 (biennial meeting of the International Society for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology), with Alan Love. University of Utah, July 10–15, 2011.
Symposium “Evo-devo, explanatory integration, and biological practices” (2 speakers, 1 commentator). Symposium “Evo-devo, explanatory integration, and physical science” (2 speakers, 2 commentators). Speakers/commentators from the USA, Spain, Canada, and Estonia.
Organization of workshop Perspectives on Evolutionary Novelty and Evo-devo: Integrating Explanatory Approaches in Biology. McGill University, November 7–8, 2010. 19 participants from Canada, the USA, and Australia (14 presentations).
Organization and hosting of workshop Integrating Different Biological Approaches. University of Alberta, November 13-15, 2009. 25 participants from Canada and the USA (10 presentations).
Organization of reading group on evolutionary developmental biology and explanations of evolutionary novelty. Participants were students, postdocs and faculty from the Departments of Philosophy, Biological Sciences, and Economics at the University of Alberta. Meetings on September 17, October 1, October 15, and October 29.
Proposal and organization of two symposia at WCPA 2008 (45th Conference of the Western Canadian Philosophical Association). University of Alberta, October 24–26, 2008.
Symposium “Explanation and conceptual change in biology” (3 speakers). Symposium “Natural kinds in biology” (3 speakers). Speakers from Canada and the USA.
Service and Public Activities on Campus
Organization of visit and lecture “Bacon's promise” by Janet Kourany (University of Notre Dame). Organized for the Program in Science, Technology, and Society and the Department of Philosophy, April 11, 2013.
Organization of visit and lecture “Mapping the moral terrain of science” by Heather Douglas (University of Waterloo). Organized for the Program in Science, Technology, and Society and the Department of Philosophy, April 4, 2013.
Co-organization of lecture “Is free will an illusion? Ethical and legal implications” (Brain Awareness week 2013) by Anthony Cashmore (University of Pennsylvania). Organized by the Centre for Neuroscience, the Department of Philosophy, and the Program in Religious Studies, March 14, 2013.
Organization of on-campus visit by Joan Roughgarden (Stanford University), including lectures “Evolutionary aspects of gender and sexuality” and “Incentives in the family firm”, November 8–9, 2010. (Funding was secured from the Program in Science, Technology, and Society, the Department of Philosophy, the Department of English and Film Studies, the Department of Sociology, and Exposure: Edmonton’s Queer Arts and Culture Festival.)
Organization of lecture “Charles Darwin and the integration of embryology and evolution: 1859–2009” by Brian K. Hall (Dalhousie University). Program in Science, Technology, and Society, November 13, 2009.
Organization of lecture: “Mechanism, emergence and miscibility: the case for evo-devo” by Denish Walsh (University of Toronto). Program in Science, Technology, and Society, March 12, 2009.
Guest speaker at professional development session for graduate students “Postdoc in the Arts, Social Sciences, Education”, organized by the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research Outreach Office, February 2009.
Guest speaker at professional development session for graduate students “Searching for Suitable Postdoc Positions”, organized by the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research Outreach Office, April 2008.
Service to the Faculty
Member, Dean's Advisory Selection Committee for an Assistant Professor of Philosophy, 2023–2024
Leadership Team Member of Mediating Science & Technology, a Signature Area of Research and Creative Collaboration, 2018–2022
Member, Dean's Advisory Selection Committee for the Chair of the Department of Philosophy, 2017–2018
Research Committee Member, Faculty of Arts, 2013–2014 and 2015–2016
Advisory Council Member, Program in Science, Technology and Society, 2008–2020
Member, Dean's Advisory Selection Committee for the Chair of the Department of Philosophy, 2012–2013
Acting Chair of the Department of East Asian Studies, 11–17 July 2016
Service to the Department
Director of Graduate Programs, January 2023 – June 2025
Associate Chair (Graduate Studies), 2015–2019, and January 2020 – June 2022
Chair of the Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Postdoctoral Fellowship Search Committee, 2021–2022
Acting Department Chair, 10–13 July 2024, 10–15 August 2023, 5–17 May 2023, 27–30 April 2023, 18–21 February 2020, 16–30 July 2018, 2–9 June 2018, 15–23 February 2018, 5–14 October 2017, 19 June – 14 July 2017, 11–15 April 2017, 20–26 February 2017, 12–17 December 2016, 11 July – 19 August 2016, 1–14 June 2016, 4–6 March 2016, 12–19 February 2016, 5–14 November 2015, 30 October 2015, 8–12 October 2015, 11–22 August 2015, 11 July – 6 August 2015, 27 July – 1 August 2012, 17–22 July 2012, 1–8 July 2012
Graduate Studies Committee Member, 2010–2014, July 2015 – June 2019, January 2020 – July 2022, and January 2023 – June 2025
Undergraduate Studies and Teaching Committee Member and ATSEC Delegate, 2024–2025
Ad Hoc FEC Committee Member, 2024–2025
Placement and Awards Committee Member, 2018–2019
Library Officer, 2018–2019
Web Page Officer, 2010–2014
Visiting Speaker Officer, 2008–2011
Program Officer and Department Organizing Committee Member for the 45th conference of the Western Canadian Philosophical Association, October 24–26, 2008.
Assisted with organization of the Annual Public Lecture in Philosophy “How should we aesthetically appreciate nature?” by Allen Carlson (University of Alberta) and the following reception. April 7, 2011.
Assisted with organization of the Annual Public Lecture in Philosophy “Anguish, despair, acceptance” by Adam Morton (University of Alberta) and the following reception. April 8, 2010.
Organization of Centenary Distinguished Lecture “The beginning of the world” by Calvin Normore (McGill University). Organization of following reception. November 28, 2008.
Organization of reception following colloquium lecture “Experience and perceptual judgment” by Anil Gupta (University of Pittsburgh). March 19, 2009.
Organization of reception following colloquium lecture “Modal epistemic logic with subjunctive markers and knowability” by Helge Rückert (University of Mannheim). February 11, 2008.
Examination Committee Chair: Julian Chow (M.A. final examination, August 2020), Yuan-chieh Yang (Ph.D. final examination, June 2018), Roxane Noël (M.A. final examination, June 2018), Francisco Galan Tames (M.A. final examination, May 2018), Meysam Shojaeenejad (M.A. final examination, September 2017), Cheryl Mack (Ph.D. candidacy examination, January 2017), E. Hande Tuna (Ph.D. final examination, September 2016), Justin Zylstra (Ph.D. final examination, May 2016), Paul Showler (M.A. final examination, May 2016), Rachel Loewen Walker (Ph.D. candidacy examination, March 2012), Mike Lockhart (Ph.D. candidacy examination, June 2010), Julian Fowke (M.A. final examination, August 2009), Charles Rodger (Ph.D. candidacy examination, May 2009), Stephanie Buri Choy (M.A. final examination, July 2008)
Comprehensive Examination Committee Chair: Philosophy of Science Committee (Winter 2013, 2015–2017, Winter 2020–Winter 2022), Epistemology Committee (Fall 2012, 2015–2016, 2018–2019, Winter 2020–Winter 2021), Feminist Philosophy Committee (2015–2016, 2017–2019, Winter 2020–Winter 2021), 20th Century Analytic Philosophy Committee (2018–2019, Winter 2020, 2021–2022), Philosophy of Language Committee (2020–2021), Logic Committee (2020–2021), Philosophy of Mind Committee (2017–2018)
Comprehensive Examination Committee Member: Philosophy of Science Committee (2006–2014, 2015–2017), Epistemology Committee (2008–2014, 2015–2017), Philosophy of Mind Committee (2006–2007, 2011–2014, 2015–2018), Feminist Philosophy Committee (2016–2018), Philosophy of Language Committee (2008–2014), Logic Committee (2006–2008), 20th Century Analytic Philosophy Committee (2010–2011)