Ready Reference Music Sources
[General Indexes]
Here is a collection of online ready reference music sources for your consideration. The
emphasis will be on Johannes Brahms, but I have included some sources that could be
used to investigate other aspects of classical music that do not involve Brahms. I have
attempted to put the sources in an order based on the nature of each site.
- Finding Articles about Music
- Author: David Lasocki
- URL:
The classification scheme for this site follows a grouping of general indexes and
bibliographies, guides to individual composers and performers, and selected indexes
and bibliographies of specific subjects. It gives the Library of Congress call number
locations so that one can simply record the call number and access any catalogue
using the call number provided.
- Welcome to MusicWeb
- URL:
The classification scheme for this site specifically dealing with Johannes Brahms falls
into four groupings. They follow as; Brahms' Life and Works, correspondence, music,
and special studies. Some of the citations relate to works in German.
Catalogue of Classical Composers
- Author: Jon Michael Lincicum
- URL:
Broken down into a classification scheme of medieval, renaissance, baroque, pre-classical,
classical, early romantic, late romantic, and twentieth century composers this site is useful
for finding preliminary information on composers. The authority is fairly good but the
author does disclaim any inaccurate information. The site also provides links to a
dictionary, bibliography, index, and "other sites" pertaining to classical music.
Composer Biographies
- Author: Michael Norrish
- URL:
A listing of some of the more notable composers of classical music. The author has
focused on composers that he is personally familiar with and therefore, is not a
comprehensive list. Several links to other resources are included as well. A good
introductory source if the composer you are looking for is included.
MLA Obituary Index
- Editor: Mimi Tashiro
- URL:
The index is an online version of an index of obituary citations. The index facilitates
access to information about musicians and other individuals associated with the
music world.
- Wahington University in St. Louis-
Gaylord Music Library-Necrology
- Editor: Nathan Eakin
- URL:
An alphabetical index listing the death date of contemporary musicians and composers.
It also includes the birthdate and the source from which the dates were acquired.
Good authority.
Classical Insights-Conservatory-Glossary
- URL:
A useful dictionary of music terms produced by the N2K company based out of
New York, NY. Not a comprehensive list but nonetheless useful.
Dr.Estrella's Incredibly Abridged Dictionary of Composers
- Author: Steven Estrella
- URL:
The dictionary is sorted by death dates or composer last names. There is also a classification
system employed which includes the six more commonly referred to periods of classical music:
medieval, renaissance, baroque, classic, romantic, modern. Many of the links embedded within
the short biographies are to the Naxos recording company's web site.
- Englisch-Deutsches Worterbuch
- Author: Frank Richter
- URL:
A German-English dictionary that translates the words submitted into their opposite equivalent.
Any word submitted will also produce a listing of other phrases that may have that word
embedded into it.
- German-English Dictionary
- Author: Vilim Vesligaj
- URL:
A short introduction and easy directions make this searchable index quite simple to operate and effective.
- German-English Translator at TUC
- Author: Torsten Hiddessen
- URL:
A German-English dictionary that translates the words submitted into their opposite equivalent.
This dictionary employs a word list of more then 124 000 entries. Combined with this is a listing
of several thousand phrases. There is a link that allows one to access other online dictionaries
which translate English into other languages.
- Online Music Dictionary
- Author: Jon Michael Lincicum
- URL:
A dictionary embedded within the "Catalogue of Classical Composers" site listed previously
under the biographies section.
- International Music Archives
- URL:
The International Music Archives has an extensive listing of the world's music. It is a good general
source divided into sections based on countries, regions, and musical styles. Also included are
sound samples and photographs. A good starting point if you are interested in exploring other
musical genres and tasks.
Music Library Association (MLA) Clearinghouse
- Author: Ralph Papakhian
- URL:
The MLA Clearinghouse is dedicated to those issues relating to music librarianship. This site
has several useful listings relating to reference and collection development in music libraries.
In addition to this there are other links pertaining to MLA itself; the field of music librarianship,
copyright, and cataloguing. An extremely useful site in locating material from all over the world.
- Worldwide Internet Music Resources
- Author: Emma I. Dedrick
- URL:
A classification scheme which involves, composers and composition, genres and types of music,
groups and ensembles, individual musicians and popular groups, journals and magazines, and
research and study. It is an extremely extensive list ranging from reference sources to employment
positions within the music resource and performance fields. It also includes a listing of Usenet
groups focusing on music. A useful link for searching out resources of any kind.
- World Wide Web Virtual Library:
Classical Music
- Author: Gary Daum
- URL:
The classification framework is as follows: biographical, organizations, online periodicals, reference,
reviews-program announcements-broadcast information, computer software, and discussion forums.
A comprehensive site that has a excellent index relating to all things musical. An extremely useful
resource if you are attempting to find anything relating to the music subject field.
- URL:
A link within the "Welcome to MusicWeb" site. The quotations of Johannes Brahms provided deal
with comments about composing. Each qoute is accompanied by the original source of the comment
and the citation from which it was retrieved.
Table of Contents
Copyright © 1997 Sean J. Barr