The Study:
- A questionnaire survey of all 1,000 Canadian public libraries
about access policies and collection challenges 1985-1987, including
a request for detailed information about each challenge.
- Innovative aspects of the survey instrument were questions about:
- age-based access restrictions on in-house use of materials
and lending restrictions
- censorship, such as mutilation or
theft intended to prevent access by others
- excessive and persistent pressures to accept or acquire
- library treatment of potentially controversial materials
by means of a checklist of controversial holdings
- effects of challenges on library selection, classification,
shelving, access, or circulation
- verbatim reasons and explanations given by complainants
for their objections to materials
- Library response rate of 56% with respondents serving municipalities
accounting for 76% of all Canadian residents and 83% of all public
library lending.
Contact the author at
Created: Tuesday, February 20, 1996 - 2:03:22 PM.
Last Updated: Tuesday, February 20, 1996 - 5:24:33 PM.
Page created by Cory Stier.