Questions about access policies and censorship experiences in
Canadian public libraries raise important social policy issues:
- How do public librarians strike an ethical balance between
their community responsibility to facilitate open access to materials
and citizen demands for censorship?
- Which voices find expression in library collections?
There are also empirical questions:
- What are the extent and nature of pressures on Canadian
public libraries to censor materials in their collections?
How do they respond to these pressures -- do they remove,
restrict, or retain the offending items?
This project -- the first nation-wide survey of its kind --
was designed to provide a solid empirical base of information
about censorship pressures and practices, and thereby to shed
light on the climate of intellectual freedom in public libraries
across the country.
Contact the author at
Created: Tuesday, February 20, 1996 - 2:03:22 PM.
Last Updated: Tuesday, February 20, 1996 - 5:24:33 PM.
Page created by Cory Stier.