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I have been extensively engaged in classroom teaching at both undergraduate and graduate levels. I have taught 11 different courses over the last seven years. These courses have been in traditional petroleum engineering areas (e.g., Reservoir and Production Engineering, Petroleum Fluid Properties), civil engineering (Mechanics of Deformable Bodies), and interdisciplinary subjects (e.g., Wellbore Geomechanics).
PET E 694: Advanced Topics in Petroleum Engineering: Wellbore Geomechanics
Geomechanics plays a crucial role in significant issues in wellbore engineering including wellbore stability, sand production, and hydraulic fracturing. This course aims at introducing the application of rock mechanics in describing and predicting such phenomena.
Course Contents
CIV E 664: Introduction to Solid Mechanics
Solid Mechanics is the study of the response of solid materials to mechanical loading and deformation. Solid Mechanics is vast and includes topics on rigid body mechanics (statics and dynamics), mechanics of deformable bodies, elasticity, vidcoelasticity, plasticity theory, viscoplasticity, vibration of solids and structures, stability of structures, large deformation mechanics, biomechanics, and much more. This course is focused on solid mechanics as applied to geomechanics.
Course Contents
CIV E 698: Petroleum Geomechanics
PET E 709: Special Topics in Petroleum Engineering