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The Calgary branch continued to act as a small liaison group coordinating a few matters pending the assumption of local alumni activities by the first full graduating class from the University of Alberta, Calgary.

Several meetings were held during the year between the branch and the Burgess committee. Specific plans that were being formulated were intentionally deferred as the branch did not wish to become involved in contentious issues that received much publicity in Calgary during the winter. As a result our activities have been somewhat restricted.

It is our intention during the coming year to phase in the new graduates of University of Alberta, Calgary, with the Alumni Association, with the objective of having them "carry the ball" henceforth, but with our support and encouragement.

Grande Prairie

The Grande Prairie branch works in conjunction with the Peace River District Graduate Association which was formed on November 16, 1962.

The Association is most active and has had monthly meetings, except July and August, throughout the past year. Besides the monthly meetings there have been general meetings on three occasions which have been reasonably well attended.

The Association has three main projects, namely: A Junior College project headed by Mr. Frank Riddle and Mr. Mel Howey. A Science Fair Committee consisting of the following: Mr. E. C. Stacey, Mr. Vern Osbaldeston, Mr. Nick Andruski, Mr. Henry Toews, Mr. Lavern Larsen, Mr. F. W. Beairsto, Mr. Clem Collins. A Scholarship Committee consisting of: Mr. Henry Toews, Mr. James Jeffreys, Mr. Walter Kujath.

We are pleased to report that the Science Fair Committee has a budget of $1,400, of which $500 has already been raised to promote a Peace Country School Fair to be held in Grande Prairie on March 13, 1965. Donations have been received from industries, and there will be certificates and cash prizes awarded at the Fair. The purposes of the Science Fair are: To encourage a high degree of student interest. and initiative in attempting creative educational projects; to stimulate public interest in educational matters; to promote an interest in scientific research.

The Junior College for Grande Prairie is expected to be open in September, 1965, after all the details with the contributing boards have been ironed out.

It is also proposed that a Graduate Society discussion group be set up which is presently in the process of being formed.

Nurses Alumnae

There were nine meetings held during the year and projects were: Catering for two graduation receptions following exercises held at the Jubilee Auditorium, alumni scholarship of $250 presented to Miss Carol Hutcheson for study in B.Sc. nursing, help at four blood donor clinic sessions at the University of Alberta Hospital, newsletter to all graduands, presentation of scissors and membership to two classes, Christmas gifts of $15.00 to our nurse missionaries, alumni Prize of $25.00 to intermediate nurse Miss Burke.


The executive of the Ottawa Branch began the year with a very pleasant informal meeting in November. Members of the Branch enjoyed meeting with Dr. Calhoun to hear him speak of developments at the University and to see a number of very excellent slides.

University Alumni Council of Ottawa began in November to plan for the annual University Ball, proceeds from which go to bursaries for three Ottawa students entering university. Alberta was represented on the Council this year by Mrs. I. Coram, who also acted as recording secretary for the planning group. The Ball was held in March and the guest speaker was Dr. W. T. R. Flemington, former president of Mount Allison University and Director, Education Division, External Aid Office, Department of Extension Affairs. The Ball was as usual a very enjoyable affair. The University of Alberta was represented by Don Dickson.

The annual meeting of the Ottawa Branch was held in April. This year we were fortunate in having as our speaker the Honourable Marcel Lambert who, of course, is well known in Alberta. His topic was "The Role of the Speaker in the House of Commons". It was an informative and entertaining address.

There are about 300 graduates of the University in Ottawa, but we never succeed in having more than 70 persons out for the annual meeting. There are great demands on one's time and many activities which engage the attention of our members.

We managed this year and last to keep about $100 in the treasury after several lean years. The prospects for the future are brighter. At the last meeting members voted to send $28 to the Alumni Fund for the purchase of books. Our members, of course, contributed to the Book Drive individually.


It is with regret that the Winnipeg Branch reports an inactive year during 1963-64 for the only year during the last decade no branch meetings were held. Previously, we have held at least one and frequently two meetings during the course of the year to arrange for a get-together of the Winnipeg alumni but for various reasons, it was not practical or timely to do so.

We hope and expect to arrange for a meeting within the next two months at which time we may well anticipate a renewed enthusiasm.

Dental Alumni

There are approximately 600 dentists on our mailing list. Of these 152 are considered active members.

Our executive had a meeting at the University of Alberta dental clinic in February at which time we took 60 pre-dental students on a tour of the clinic. Later we showed them an excellent film entitled "A Career in Dentistry".

Because the Canadian Dental Association Convention is being held in Edmonton in June a number of class reunions are being organized and many alumni are involved.

The second annual alumni-student hockey game was played in early December and the old timers evened the score from the previous year by actually winning this one. Our association made a grant of $100 to the Dental Undergraduate Society, the money to be used to buy hockey equipment.

Varsity Christian Fellowship

The continued interest of graduates in this, the third year of the V.C.F. Alumni, is encouraging. We trust that our aim of encouraging the Varsity Christian Fellowship chapter on campus, of stimulating an attitude of inquiry among students concerning consistent Christian living, and upholding the welfare of the University is at least partially being fulfilled.

At Pioneer Ranch camp in September, a small group of V.C.F. alumni attended the Fall Camp with university students of the Varsity Christian Fellowship. Rev. Harry Robinson was the guest speaker.

In Edmonton fifty graduates and friends attended the Annual Fall Banquet in November, and were challenged by the encouraging report of Carl Chiko, the new stewardship secretary in the Western Region of the Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship. He stressed the interest that he has found among students concerning the Christian faith.

Through the V.C.F. Unrau Memorial Fund a $100 award was given to Miss Gladys Freeman, medical student at the University of Alberta, to assist her at Pioneer Ranch camp where she counselled last summer.

Before the business session, the new prize winning film of V.C.F. "Wilderness Treasure" was shown. It portrays a journey of a counsellor and five boys on a canoe trip at Pioneer Camp, Manitoba. Thirteen full and three associate membership fees were paid this year. The balance of the treasury stands at $295.33, $192.22 of which was designated for the V.C.F. Unrau Memorial Fund. It was decided that the V.C.F. Unrau Memorial Fund be discontinued when the remaining funds have been used. A desire was expressed by those present that a similar fund be started in the future to help in Christian leadership.


The first event after last spring's annual meeting and reception was a dinner party in July at the Cherrington's home, followed by a brief executive meeting. At this meeting we received the report of the 24th Annual General Meeting of the Alumni Council.

A meeting was held early in October to plan for the game/reception for the annual University of Alberta /University of British Columbia football game. As usual, the Vancouver alumni sat in a block at the game and met afterwards in the Faculty Club at U.B.C.

There was a meeting in January to plan the annual spring meeting. This was followed in February and March by four "rehearsals" for the program.

The Annual General Meeting was held in March with President Walter Johns as guest speaker. As special non-official guest we had Miss Mamie Simpson from Victoria, former Dean of Women. As a bonus benefit of this, Miss Simpson's interest in the Alumni Association soared (she tells us) and she has just been elected president of the Victoria Branch. The singing of old-time Alberta favorite melodies, led by the executive/cast with appropriate costuming and skits (?) was much enjoyed. Fifty-five alumni were present.

In April we had another dinner party at the Cherringtons', a combination "cast" party and farewell to a former president, Art Thompson.


The Toronto Branch of the Association held three meetings during the past year, with an average attendance of sixty people at each affair.

The Annual Spring Tea, in May, proved to be a happy reunion. It was a beautiful spring day, and our sixty-five members attended. President Ben Tanner reported briefly on his trip to the General Alumni Association meeting, which had been held in Banff the previous week. He also displayed the Burgess Cup, which had been won by the Toronto Branch for the second year.

Unfortunately, the family picnic, which was scheduled for September was cancelled, and the short notice involved did not give the executive sufficient time to locate elsewhere, and advise the members accordingly. There was wide-spread regret that the event did not take place, for it has proved to be one of the most popular functions. The 1964 location is assured, and September 12 is being circled on Toronto calendars for this big event.

Dr. Venor Calhoun, President of the General Alumni Association, was our guest of honour, and speaker at a Fall annual meeting and dinner dance. His slides proved to be a real interest to all present, and especially to those whose last view of the campus was prior to its vast expansion.

The Toronto Branch joined with the other Western Universities to stage the Western Universities Reunion Dance, in February, at the Seaway Hotel. The "Council", formed two years ago, and made up of representatives of each Alumni Association, met regularly from late fall, planning details to make this a more successful dance. The Alberta representatives were active participants in this council at all times, and shared the responsibilities allotted by the general chairman. The planning paid off with an over-all improved attendance, and the change of "locale", and other innovations proved popular with all. A review of the dance reveals that this joint effort is popular, and it is recognized as the only feasible way to stage an annual dance, since rising costs, and fluctuating attendance make such a venture unwise for the individual alumni associations.

The Toronto branch has had a "shifting" population this past year some of the moves have been within the metropolitan area, and its suburbs, but we have also lost valued, and active members to other branches. The prize for the longest move goes to the Robert Pecks, who have gone to Copenhagen for a five-year stay.

It has been somewhat difficult to keep our executive at full strength the past year, because of moves, and the reluctance on the part of many to get themselves actively associated with one more organization, albeit as worthy a one as our Alumni Association. In numbers there is indeed strength, and a reduction in the burden on the individual. We are trying to build up an executive which is representative of all faculties, and all years of graduation.

An enthusiastic telephone committee has carried out its regular duties, and kept the members up-to-date on scheduled events. We are already anticipating renewed interest in the events scheduled for the remainder of this year.

Our programme continues to be designed to appeal to the greatest number of our alumni in and around the Toronto area. Each meeting is different in character from the others, and designed to appeal to a particular segment of our membership. It is our endeavour at all times to promote the welfare of the University through contact with alumni in this area, fostering fraternity, and a sustained interest in all the affairs of our "Alma Mater."

Published Summer 1964.

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