Dynamic Interactions
In total, there were 270 times when there were more than two individuals located simultaneously. About a third of the times, the three species were located simultaneously, while the rest of the interactions were reduced to two species or intraspecies simultaneous locations (see pie chart). When we take a closer look, 80 of those observations concerned only two individuals, but the remaining ranged from 3 to 12 individuals simultaneously located. The resulting matrix of Euclidian distances between pairs of individuals consisted of more than 27,000 records. The average and minimum distances for each pair were organized into two matrices.

Average and minimum distances between individuals
The average distance between individuals ranges from 2517 m to over 67 km. Minimum distances, on the other hand, ranged from 24 m (between DS02 and G1177), and 67 km. Based on the two diagrams resulting from the MDS analysis, it is apparent that Dall's sheep DS02, DS01, DS05, and grizzly bears G1177, G1175, G345, G1174 are closely related. The chart on minimum distance gives slightly different results, but in all cases it appears that Dall's sheep and grizzly bears are closely related, except for G1176M. The two wolf packs, on the other hand, are relatively isolated from the rest of the animals..
Average distances:

Average distance between individuals (m)

Minimum distances: