Ph.D. in Biological Sciences, University of Alberta
2002-2003 M.Sc. in Natural Resource Sciences, Washington
State University [GPA: 3.97/4]
1998-2001 B.Sc. in Biological Sciences, Université du
Québec à Montréal [GPA: 3.98/4.3]
1996-1998 International Baccalaureate in Natural Sciences,
Cégep St-Jérôme College [final mark: 39/42]
2005 CGS
D Ph.D. Scholarship; NSERC -105,000$ for 36 months
2005 Ph.D. Scholarship; Quebec government –60,000$ for 36
months (declined)
2003 Graduate Travel Grant; Washington State University
2002 M.Sc. Scholarship; FCAR (Quebec government) -30,000$CA
2001 ESA Graduate scholarship; NSERC -36,000$CA (declined)
2001 Undergraduate scholarship; NSERC -5,000$CA
2000 Literary award; Mensa Canada - 6th position over 900
2000 Best oral presentation in Animal Ecology; Université
du Québec à Montréal.
Literary award; Rotary Club - 1st position in Quebec
Current Professional Position: Wildlife
Biologist, Gwich’in Renewable Resource Board
for wildlife conservation, management and research in the
Gwich’in Settlement Area, Northwest Territories. In
position since March 2005.
Previous Work experiences:
leader / Wildlife biologist April 04-Feb 05
de la faune et des parcs, Quebec government
Prepared and executed protocol and fieldwork for a project
on Caribou/Wolves/Black Bears interactions; Trained and
evaluated 3 interns and 3 students; Captured bears and
wolves, located animals with radio-telemetry, sampled
Ecotourism field manager
June-Sept 04
Mikin Inc., Laurentians wildlife reserve, QC
June-Sept 01
Oversaw the good organization of the company; Planned
schedules according to reservations; Developed ecotourism
activities; Organized tours for public of all ages (2 to 60
individuals) in the boreal forest and organized black bear
observation in the wild; Trained new guides.
filled this position conjointly with the project leader
communicator Jan 04
de la faune et des parcs, Quebec government
Translated an article on caribou population dynamics from
French to English (published in a peer-reviewed journal);
Redaction of a grant proposal (brought 20,000$ to the
assistant/graduate student on Cougar Project Jan 02-Dec
Washington State University; Dr. Robert Wielgus
cougars, did daily terrestrial telemetry, weekly aerial
telemetry, found deer carcasses, sampled mortality and kill
sites. My thesis, based on extensive fieldwork on cougars
in BC, WA and ID, demonstrated that cougars were
overexploited in the Pacific Northwest –more conservative
regulations are currently being adopted consequently.
assistant for a Black Bear project in northern Alberta
March 03
of Alberta; Sophie Czetwertynski and Rolland Lemieux
Located and visited dens during hibernation, measurements
of bears and their cubs.
for an Elephant project, Thailand Dec 01
Wild Aid
(NGO) and Thai Forest Service, Khao Yai National Park,
Did nightly inventories of elephants present on the road
network of the park, in collaboration with Thai rangers,
participated to Wild Aid conservation activities, prepared
and presented a telemetry workshop.
assistant for a Caribou in Nunavik, northern Quebec
Jul-Sept 00
Research Centre, Université Laval; Dr. Serge Payette
Did remote sensing from helicopter, sampled lichens, aged
vegetation with dendrochronology.
assistant for a Black Bear habitat selection study Aug 00
Laval; Dr. Jean Huot and Rolland Lemieux
Searched for bear presence signs and potential food sources
in the field.
assistant in Forest Ecology Jun 99-May 01
du Québec à Montréal; University of Winnipeg
Sampled vegetation, cored trees, monitored meteorology,
analyzed tree cells in laboratory.
assistant on a limnology project in northern Quebec May 99
du Québec à Montréal; Dr. Réjean Fortin
Installed traps to capture emerging aquatic insects.
assistant on a Wolf project May-Sept 97
de la faune et des parcs; Quebec Government
Located wolves every night with terrestrial telemetry,
collected and analyzed excrements, recorded and provoked
wolf howling, captured and handled wolves.
Lambert, C.M.S, R.B
Wielgus, H.S. Robinson, D.D. Katnik, H.S. Cruickshank, R.
Clarke, and J. Almack. 2004. Dynamics and viability of a
cougar population in the Pacific Northwest. Journal of
Wildlife Management 70:246-254.
Lambert, C., R.
Courtois, L. Breton, R. Lemieux, V. Brodeur, J-P Ouellet,
et D. Fortin. 2005. Étude de la predation du caribou
forestier dans un écosystème exploité: resultats
preliminaries. Naturaliste Canadien. Sous
C. 2003.
Book review: Desert puma; Evolutionary ecology and
conservation of an endangered carnivore. By Kenneth A.
Logan and Linda L. Sweanor. 2001. Island Press, Washington
D.C. Journal of Range Management 56:397.
C. 2002.
Be safe with bears. The Rossland Record, 35(3): 4.
C. 2002.
Human encounters with bears in BC. The Rossland Record,
38(3): 11-14.
Grizzly bear co-management and research in the Canadian
Arctic. Poster presented at 17th International Bear
Conference, IBA, October 2-5 2006, Karuizawa, Japan.
2004. Cougar population dynamics and viability in the
Pacific Nortwest. Conseil National de Recherche, November
17 2004, Paris, France.
2003. Cougar survival and population growth in the Pacific
Northwest. Annual meeting and workshops, The Washington
Chapter of the Wildlife Society, April 15-17 2003, Port
Townsend, Washington, USA.
2003. Dynamics of a cougar (Puma
metapopulation in the Pacific Northwest. Seventh Mountain
Lion Workshop, Wyoming Department of Fish and Wildlife, May
15-17 2003, Lander, Wyoming, USA.
2003. Functional response of cougars and prey availability
in Northeastern Washington. Poster presented at the
Lion Workshop, Wyoming Department of Fish and Wildlife, May
15-17 2003, Lander, Wyoming, USA.
- In
Central America: Road trip from Montreal to Mexico,
Guatemala, Honduras, Belize (Cockscomb Basin Jaguar
Sanctuary) (Spring 2004)
- In Europe: Visited Finland and Estonia (Summer 2002),
France (Fall 2004)
- In Asia: Travelled by bike and horse in Western China,
Laos and Thailand (Fall 2001), collaborated with Thai
rangers for the elephant project in Thailand.
- In North America: Lived in the Pacific Northwest (WA, BC)
for 2 years, worked with Inuit communities while collecting
data for a Caribou project in northern Quebec
(Kangiqsualujjuaq and Kuujjuaq, Nunavik), worked in
Nemiscau with the Cree nation for a limnology project in
James Bay area; currently work for the Gwich’in in NWT!
More to come in other countries and continents…
Extensive knowledge of wildlife sciences and management
- Wildlife immobilization training (Washington State
University and Canadian government)
- Spoken languages: French (native), English (fluent),
Spanish (elementary)
- First aid training: PADI Rescue Diver (Honduras 2004)
CPR and
Wilderness First Aid for Outdoor Leaders (40h; 2003)
Saint-John Wilderness First Aid (1999),
Formation in rehabilitation of wild birds (1999)
Lifeguard certifications (1995-1998)
Survival Skills training (40h) in the boreal forest (2004)
- Training in aerial security (2004) –Many telemetry hours
in small aircraft and helicopter
- Scuba Diving: Open Water PADI –2001, Québec, Canada;
Advanced PADI Diver –2002, Koh Phi Phi, Thailand; PADI
Rescue Diver –2004, Utila, Honduras.