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Dual-degree MF/MSc Student Opportunities in Global Change Biology

Applications are invited for two dual Masters degree student positions in global change biology, researching climate change impacts on tree species and forestry systems.

Dual-degree opportunity: The successful candidates may spend one year in Germany, the UK, or Finland in an English-language MSc program, and one year at the University of Alberta leading to dual Master degrees of the TRANSFOR-M program.

Funding: Assistantships and scholarships are available ranging from $6,000 to $40,000 for this 2-year program, depending on qualifications. All TRANSFOR-M students are eligible to apply for our Education Abroad Individual Awards. Additional funds are available from international partners, for example the German Academic Exchange Service.

Start Date: Positions start in September 2021 and September 2022.

Position Summary: The successful applicant will analyze botanical data, forestry field trials, ecological inventory plots, remote sensing data and dendrochronology records from Europe and western North America to detect and predict climate change impacts on tree growth and demography. Depending on the applicant's interest and background, their research will focus on: (1) analyzing climate change impacts on forestry systems based on historical climate records, (2) conservation of vulnerable species and populations under projected climate change, or (3) developing predictive growth and habitat models to guide reforestation programs. The incumbent will work in a multidisciplinary, international team and will acquire a wide range of skills including data management, analytical and modeling methods, as well as GIS and remote sensing skills for selected projects.

Qualifications: Applicants must have a BSc in ecology, environmental sciences, or forestry, and an interest in both field research and advanced analytical and statistical methods. Knowledge of programming languages, GIS, remote sensing, or general computer skills are an asset. The successful candidate will be highly motivated with strong ability to work independently or as part of a team as required.

How to apply: Please send a letter of interest to As a first application step, follow the instuctions in this page: Once you are accepted by the TRANSFOR-M consortium, you are invited to apply formally to both dual-degree partner institutions.

Positions for PhDs, Postdoctoral Fellows and Research Associates for Topics in Global Change Biology

Inqueries are invited for postdoc and research associate positions in global change biology, researching climate change impacts and adaptation on trees, forests, and forestry systems.

Funding for German nationals: As Alexander von Humboldt Fellow, I am eligible to host post-doctoral researchers for up to 2-years (up to four years after completing their doctorate) or experienced researchers for up to 1½ years (up to 12 years after completing their doctorate). Salaries under the Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship are approximately €3,300/month plus €700/month for accompanying spouses, plus €600/month for accompanying children, plus travel support. As host, I will pay the mandatory salary contributions as stipulated by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.

Funding for Canadian nationals: I will support the development of research proposals for NSERC Doctoral Fellowships or NSERC Post Doctoral Fellowships with excellent Canadian applicants. Salaries are approximately $35,000/year for up to three years for doctoral students and $45,000/year for two years for postdocs. Doctoral students receive at least $20,000 in top-ups over two years from the University and/or the Alberta Government. Complete applications must be received by NSERC by October 15th of each year.

Outstanding Canadian and International applicants: I will support the development of research proposals for a Vanier Doctoral Scholarship or a Banting Post Doctoral Fellowship with outstanding applicants. Salaries are approximately $50,000/year over three years for doctoral students and $70,000/year over two years for postdocs. Complete applications must be received by the University by June 1st of each year.

Projects: I will support application development for all topics across the fields of ecological genetics, ecophysiology, conservation biology, remote sensing, dendrochronology, change impact and adaptation research, or predictive growth and habitat modeling.

How to apply: Please send a letter of interest to, including a resume describing your academic accomplishments and skills.