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Ultimedia Services Version 2 for AIX: Programmer's Guide and Reference

UMSImagePlayerMClass Class

The UMSImagePlayerMClass metaclass is an Ultimedia Services Version 2 feature and does not apply to Ultimedia Services Version 1.2.1.

The UMSImagePlayerMClass class defines the metaclass for the UMSImagePlayer class. Use a UMSImagePlayerMClass object to create UMSImagePlayer objects. The UMSImagePlayerMClass is derived from the UMSClass.

To learn more about the UMSImagePlayerMClass class, see:

For introductory information, see MetaClass Objects.

Enumeration Lists

The ErrorCode enumeration defines the list of possible UMSImagePlayerMClass error codes:

enum ErrorCode {

Method Descriptions

UMSImagePlayer make_by_pathname(in string pathname, out ErrorCode error_code, out string error_string, out string alias);


Use the UMSImagePlayerMClass make_by_pathname() method to construct and open a new UMSImagePlayer object. The specified pathname is the path to the image file to be opened. If, for any reason, the method cannot create or open a new UMSImagePlayer object, the method return a NULL UMSImagePlayer pointer.

in string pathname The pathname of the image file to open.
out ErrorCode error_code If the make_by_pathname() method fails to create and open a new UMSImagePlayer object, it return a NULL pointer and the error_code parameter contains an error code indicating the reason why.
out string error_string If an error is detected while creating or opening the new UMSImagePlayer object, the make_by_pathname() method returns an error string, in the error_string parameter, describing the reason for the error. Your application is responsible for freeing the error string's memory, so after a call to the make_by_pathname() method, your code should check to see if the error_string parameter is non-NULL. If so, your code should free the error_string using the SOMFree function (For example, SOMFree(error_string);).
out string alias The alias parameter is reserved for future enhancements to the make_by_pathname() method. It's defined as a string which someday can be returned by the make_by_pathname() method. To prevent memory leaks in the future, your code should, after a call to the make_by_pathname() method, check to see if the alias parameter is non-NULL. If so, your code should free the alias using the SOMFree function (For example, SOMFree(alias);).
Error Codes

For certain Error Codes, more specific information can be obtained from the error_string parameter.

Error Code error_string
Success No error was found.
Failure If an error is found that is not described by any other return code.
OpenFailed A UMSImagePlayer object was successfully created but could not open the specified image file.

For introductory information, see MetaClass Objects.

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