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X11R6 Technical Reference (AIX Version 4.3 Specific)

XListExtensions Extension Function


Returns a list of all extensions supported by the server.


Enhanced X-Windows Library (libX11.a)

C Syntax

char **XListExtensions(DisplayPtr, NumberExtensions)
Display *DisplayPtr;
int *NumberExtensions;


The XListExtensions extension function returns a list of all extension functions supported by the server.


DisplayPtr Specifies the display device.
NumberExtensions Returns the number of extension functions.

Return Values

ExtensionFunctions Provides a list of all extension functions supported by the server.

Related Information

Using Extensions in AIXwindows in AIX Version 4.3 AIXwindows Programming Guide.

The ListExtensions protocol request.

AIXwindows Overview for Programmers in AIX Version 4.3 AIXwindows Programming Guide.

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