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X11R6 Technical Reference (AIX Version 4.3 Specific)

XInitExtension Extension Function


Determines if the extension exists.


Enhanced X-Windows Library (libXext.a)

C Syntax

XExtCodes *XinitExtension(DisplayPtr, Name)
Display *DisplayPtr;
char *Name;


The XinitExtension extension function determines if the extension exists. Then, it allocates storage for maintaining the information about the extension on the connection, chains this onto the extension list for the connection, and returns the information the stub implementor needs to access the extension.

The extension number in the XExtCodes data structure is needed in the other calls that follow. This extension number is unique only to a single connection.


DisplayPtr Specifies a pointer to the display.
Name Specifies the name of the extension.

Return Values

Null Indicates the extension does not exist.

Related Information

Using Extensions in AIXwindows in AIX Version 4.3 AIXwindows Programming Guide.

AIXwindows Overview for Programmers in AIX Version 4.3 AIXwindows Programming Guide.

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