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World Biomaterials Congresses |
The principal duty of the ILC is the organization of a World Biomaterials Congress once every four years. The previous World Congresses and those in planning include: Vienna (1980) Washington (1984) Kyoto (1988) Berlin (1992) Toronto (1996) Honolulu (2000) Glasgow (2020) For the Information of Convention Centres and Professional Conference Organisations IUSBSE receives many requests from Convention Centres regarding the hosting of World Biomaterials Congresses. The following information may be useful to those organisations: World Biomaterials Congresses for 2016 and 2020 are already planned. We will entertain nominations for a Congress venue for the year 2024 at the Montreal meeting in 2016. Such nominations are made by participating and constituent Biomaterials Societies of the host countries http://www.worldbiomaterials.org/constituent.htm, not by independent Convention Centres or non-technical organizations. You may contact the Secretary of IUSBSE should you require further information. | ||||||