2006 Symposium Photos
Faculty of EngineeringChemical and Materials Engineering
Faculty of Engineering Today's Energy Fostering Tomorrow's Innovation





8:00 Registration and Breakfast
8:30 Opening Remarks
8:35 Keynote Speaker: Mr. Gord Winkel
9:35 Basak Acan Clements
10:00 Hassan Abbasnezhad
10:25 Coffee break & Poster Session
11:00 Michael Brougham
11:25 Payman Esmaeili
11:50 Yu Feng
12:15 Lunch & Poster Session
13:15 Patrice Abivin
13:40 Shad Siddiqui
14:05 Keynote Speaker: Mr. Jorge Cham
15:05 Coffee break & Poster Session
16:00 Hailei Jiang
16:25 Richelle Prickett
16:50 Closing Remarks



Navigation Index

Gord WinkelGord Winkel, P.Eng

Syncrude's Aurora Bitumen Production Vice President and 2002 Canadian Institute of Mining Distinguished Lecturer ...full



Jorge ChamJorge Cham, PhD

Author of the famous comic strip about graduate life, or the lack thereof ...full




University of Alberta