2006 Symposium Photos
Faculty of EngineeringChemical and Materials Engineering
Faculty of Engineering Today's Energy Fostering Tomorrow's Innovation

Poster Session

There are two main approaches to deal with uncertainty in any optimization problem: optimization under uncertainty and post-optimality analysis. In steady-state linear target calculation, some work was done using the first approach while post-optimality analysis is rarely used in model predictive control. In this study, we try to establish a technique using post-optimality analysis to assess and improve economic performance of target calculation (and MPC) and show how sensitivity and stability information can be companied to economically tune the constraints. In other words, the method determines how the constraints can be relaxed to improve the objective function without changing the constraints active set and with the consideration of biases. In addition, it computes variation ranges of basis (and process limits) such that the system is still feasible with the same active constraints (to avoid unnecessarily bouncing of target from vertex to other). At design stage, stability information of economic parameters is used to properly design the system to reduce the possibility of target bouncing and to determine how sensitive the economical model of target calculation to certain changes.


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Gord WinkelGord Winkel, P.Eng

Syncrude's Aurora Bitumen Production Vice President and 2002 Canadian Institute of Mining Distinguished Lecturer ...full



Jorge ChamJorge Cham, PhD

Author of the famous comic strip about graduate life, or the lack thereof ...full




University of Alberta