Ceres Gallery Seventh National Juried Exhibition
New York, Chelsea, May 23-June 17, 2006.
Excerpts from the CERES press release
The juror of the exhibition was Cora Rosevear, Associate Curator of Painting and Sculpture at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City.
The exhibition included paintings, drawings, photographs and sculpture of 44 artists selected nationwide from states as close as New York and as far as Hawaii.
Ms. Rosevear chose pieces representative of all the major genre and styles encompassing a variety of artistic expressions. The chosen work reflects the eclectic nature of the art world today. In fact it supports Ceres Gallery;s belief that, “We serve as a supportive base or a diversity of artistic and political videws.” All ideas were acceptable from the most quotidian to the most esoteric.
Several artists were inspired by European art history traditions and others by cross cultural and archaeological reference points. (…)
Some of the artists “add their unique cross-cultural perspectives to the show. Their experiences in their countries of origin coupled with the challenges they have faced in adapting to their new homes has given them both exciting avenues of expression.” (…)
Several of the exhibiting artists have been inspired by nostalgia, memories, their internal dialogue and the universal angst of all human beings. (…)
Ms. Rosevear also chose artists who are exploring and experimenting with methods, media and concepts. (…) as well as pieces reflecting “a light hearted humor or whimsy.” (…)
The wide range of styles, media, and ideas gives a sense of the breadth and depth of the present and very vibrant American art scene.