Gordana Zivkovic
- MFA Wall Painting/Mosaic, Painting Department, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Belgrade, 2003
- BFA Painting Department, Faculty of Fine Arts, University
of Belgrade, 1998.
Graduate Program in Film Studies, Faculty of Drama, University of Belgrade, 1998.
Exhibitions and Installations (selected)
- Group exhibition. Great West Saddlery Building's Artists & Guest (part of Alberta Arts Days 2011), Edmonton, AB, 2011.
- Group exhibition. “Ethnographic Terminalia.” Crane Arts LLC, Philadelphia, Dec. 4-22, 2009
- Group exhibition. Arthouse co-op “The Self Portrait Project,” Brooklyn Art Library, Brooklyn, NY, April 23, 2010.
- Group exhibition. “10 years after” (10 godina posle). FLU Gallery (Faculty of Fine Arts Gallery). Belgrade, August 25, 2009.
- Individual exhibition. “Red Shoes.” Video installation. V.I.P. Art Gallery, SKC (Student Cultural Center), Belgrade, July 7 – August 7, 2009.
- Group exhibition. Peter Robertson Gallery, Edmonton, AB, January 2009.
- Individual exhibition. Art under Siege & Nude Studies, University Extension centre, Edmonton, AB, July 30th to August 15th, 2007
- Group exhibition. "Harmony," Centre d'arts visuels de l'Alberta , June 22, 2007
- Group exhibition.World Video – "New Form Of Beauty", Mladenski Kulturni Centar, Skoplje, 2006
- Group exhibition. 7th National Juried Exhibition at CERES Gallery, Chelsea, New York, NY May-June 2006
- Group exhibition. Re_mapping platform02/izlozba 2007. Belgrade, 2006
- Video-festival “IN-DIFFERENCE III.” Belgrade, 2006.
- Public project (mosaic). Dove-Lewis Animal Emergency hospital, Portland, OR, 2006.
- Individual exhibition (multimedia). “Double Bloodstream*” The Gladstone Gallery, Portland, OR, September 2005.
- Group Exhibition of Mosaics at the Pacific Northwest College of Art, April 2005
- Group exibition. “Art Inter/national: here and abroad.” Boxheart gallery Pittsburg, PA 15224, January 2005.
- Group Exhibition of Mosaics at the Pacific Northwest College of Art, November 2004.
- Individual exhibition (video installation) “Double Bloodstream.” V.I.P. Gallery, Belgrade, June 2005.
- Master's Exhibition, SULUJ, Belgrade, May 5-11, 2003.
- Screening. Short movie “Man on the - square“ – ANEM TV, Belgrade, 2002.
- Group exhibition. 2nd Tokyo International Mini-Print Triennial, TAU Museum, Tokyo, Japan, 1998.
- International Short Film Festival, Belgrade. Short film “A Man at the Square,“ 1998.
- Stage design. “A Human Living Alone Must be a God or a Beast.” Theater “Bosko Buha,” Belgrade, 1997-1998.
- Scene design. “A Human Living Alone Must be a God or a Beast.” ART TV, Belgrade, 1997-1998.
- Stage design. “A Human Living Alone Must be a God or a Beast.” AKADEMIJA, Student Club, FLU, Belgrade, 1997-1998.
- Multi-media Project “A Human Living Alone Must be a God or a Beast,” Galerija SKC, Belgrade, 1997.
- Group exhibition at the 8th Biennial Exhibition of Student Drawings. Studentski Grad, Belgrade, 1994.
- Gold Medal for the short film “A Man at the Square,” with Vladimir Stojic and Aleksandra Dulic. 45th International Short Film Festival, Belgrade, 1998
- University of Alberta Kule Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS) Research Cluster Grant (collaborator in The Representation of Genocide project as artist [Film/Art Conceptualization] in The Voice in the Closet theatre production, 2012
- Edmonton Arts Council & The City of Edmonton Community Investment Program Travel Grant. 2012
- Alberta Foundation for the Arts Visual Arts Project Grant 2010
- City of Edmonton Cultural Diversity in the Arts Award. 2009
- Canada Council for the Arts Travel Grant to Media Arts Professionals. 2009.
- Edmonton Arts Council & The City of Edmonton Community Investment
Program Travel Grant. 2009
- Serbo-Croatian: native; French, Italian and English: fluent
Teaching experience
- University of Alberta Art & Design Department, Edmonton, AB
Instructor 2007- - University of Alberta Faculty of Extension, Edmonton, AB
Instructor 2007-2009 - Continuing Education Dept., Grant MacEwan College, Edmonton, AB
Instructor 2007 - PNCA (Pacific Northwest College of Art), Portland, OR, 2003-2006:
Continuing education classes in mosaic and figure drawing & painting - Private Preparatory Drawing School, Belgrade, 2001-2002;
Drawing, painting & sculpture classes - “Milan Rakic” Primary School, Belgrade, Serbia, 2002-2003;
Teacher of Art - Belgrade University, Faculty of Fine Arts, 1999-2000:
Gifted Students Program Instructor
Other experience
- Volunteering at EDMONTON INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL – September 29 – October 7, 2006, Edmoton , AB, Canada
- Video editor at STANKOM local TV channel, Belgrade, Serbia, 2001-2002
- Collaborated with " ART Channel " (local Belgrade TV channel devoted to Art & Culture) on art programing (including digital video shooting), 1996-1999.
- Chief co-ordinator. Student club “Akademija.” Belgrade, Serbia, 1996-1999.