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School of Business

University of Alberta

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(John E. Delery & D. Harold Doty, AMJ, V. 39, 1996: 809)

HRM Practices


High Performance

Internal career opportunities -Hiring almost exclusively from outside the organization

-Very little use of internal career ladders

-Hiring mainly from within the organization

-Extensive use of well-defined career ladders

Training -No formal training provided

-Little if any socialization taking place within the organization

-Extensive formal training provided

-Great amount of socialization within the organization (parties, employee recognition events, orientation sessions)

Results-oriented appraisals -Performance measured by quantifiable output or results-oriented measures

-Feedback in the form of numbers (i.e. focus on behaviors' results)

-Performance measured by behavior-oriented measures
(i.e. focus on behaviors necessary to perform the job effectively)

-Feedback more for developmental purposes

Incentives -Mainly extrinsic (monetary) -Extrinsic and intrinsic
Employment security -Very little employment security given -Great deal of employment security among those who make it through the initial trial period

-Extensive benefits to those "outplaced"

-Formal dismissal policies

Participation -Employees given little voice in the organization -Employees likely have access to grievance systems

-Employees more likely to participate in decision making

Job descriptions -Jobs are clearly/tightly defined -Jobs are not clearly/loosely defined

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