Taiwan has been formed by the ongoing collision of the Eurasian continental margin with the Luzon volcanic arc. It is the type example of an arc-continent collision.

Magnetotelluric data image the electrical resistivity of the crust and mantle and form a natural complement to passive/active seismic investigations. Long-period and broadband magnetotelluric (MT) data were collected in Taiwan from 2006-2008 as part of the TAIGER project. Initial results of the MT work in Central Taiwan are summarized in the figure below, which is from Bertrand et al., (2009). The MT data reveal a vertical conductor beneath the surface trace of the Lishan fault (LF), which gives support to a thick-skinned tectonic model in Central Taiwan.

Animation of the NLCG6 inversion project.

Detailed MT studies have been made around the TCDP Drilling project and are described by Chiang et al., (2008).

Published papers

  • Bertrand EA, MJ Unsworth, CW Chiang, CS Chen, CC Chen, FT Wu, E Turkoglu, HL Hsu, G Hill, Magnetotelluric evidence for thick skinned tectonics in Central Taiwan Geology, 37, 711-714, 2009 (PDF)
  • Chiang CW, MJ Unsworth, CS Chen, CC Chen, A Lin, HL Hsu, Fault zone resistivity structure and monitoring at the Taiwan Chelungpu Drilling Project (TCDP) Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci.,, 19, 473-479, 2009 (PDF)
  • Bertrand EA, MJ Unsworth, CW Chiang, CS Chen, CC Chen, FT Wu, E Turkoglu, HL Hsu , G Hill, Magnetotelluric imaging beneath the Taiwan orogen: An arc-continent collision, Journal of Geophysical Research , 117, B01402, doi:10.1029/2011JB008688, 2012 (PDF)

Station locations

  • Location of NIMS sites 2006-2007. Download KML file for GoogleEarth here

    Photographs of Taiwan

    Penghu Island Taizhong 921 earthquake 921 earthquake Foothills
    Puli Basin Wulai Hehuan Shan Taroko Gorge East coast

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