The University of Alberta Economists (UAE) Group is an umbrella organization for economists on campus, providing a structure to stimulate collaborative research and promote the work of economists at the University of Alberta.

Members of the UAE include faculty in the Department of Economics, business economics faculty in the School of Business, and faculty with an interest in economic analysis in both the Department of Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology (REES) and in the Faculty of Medicine. Economists from other units are encouraged to become members of the UAE and participate in UAE activities.

The UAE fosters research connections through joint seminars, workshops, and related collaborative activities. The UAE website presents, in a single location, information on economics seminars, conferences, distinguished speaker lectures, and other economics-related events taking place on campus. It lists University of Alberta economists, their research interests, and includes links to individual researcher websites. The UAE also helps to disseminate research results by distributing research papers of members through the important electronic outlet Research Papers in Economics (RePEc).

The UAE aims to provide a resource for researchers on campus, for current and prospective students interested in economics, and for the wider academic and non-academic communities.

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