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Teaching with Technology Initiative

The Teaching with Technology Initiative (TTI) is a new source of support for instructors that is funded through the Office of the Vice-Provost (Information Technology) as an initiative of the Discovery Learning Network (DLN). The goal for the Teaching with Technology Initiative (TTI) is to assist instructors exploring instructional approaches that are enhanced through the use of leading-edge information and communications technologies, and to provide the instructors with evaluative feedback to improve their teaching practice.

TTI is intended to:

  • Facilitate Faculties investigating alternative space designs, teaching methods and educational technologies.
  • Examine the benefits, costs, opportunities and risks associated with using innovative educational methods and technologies.
  • Disseminate teaching strategies, implementation considerations and findings of the TTI projects to the campus community to promote a greater understanding of the opportunities afforded by information and communications technologies.

Please note that this is a pilot project and is independent from the Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund (TLEF).

Student Digital Studio


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