Common Conditions

Blepharitis – This is an inflammation of the edges of the eyelids.  They look crusty, flaky, and often red.  This condition is very common.  [Click here] to read more about it.

Corneal Abrasion - A corneal abrasion is a scratch on the surface of the cornea.  The cornea is the clear outer layer on the front of the eye.  Corneal abrasions can be very painful. [Click here] to read more about it.

Dry Eye Syndrome – This is a condition in which your eyes do not produce enough tears or the tears do not have the normal chemical makeup.  [Click here] to read more about it.

Posterior Vitreous Detachment (Flashes and Floaters) – These are specks, squiggles, or bright flashes in your field of vision.  Usually they come and go quickly. [Click here] to read more about it.

Glaucoma - Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that gradually steal sight without warning. In the early stages of the disease, there may be no symptoms. [Click here] to read more about it.

Uveitis - Uveitis is a general term for inflammation of the uvea, which is a tissue inside the eye.  [Click here] to read more about it.

Common Procedures

Cataract Surgery – This is a procedure in which your surgeon removes a clouded lens (cataract) from the eye and replaces it with an artificial lens (lens implant).  Dr. Chan performs cataract surgery on a regular basis. [Click here] to read more about it.

Corneal Transplant – This is a procedure in which a cloudy or misshaped cornea is removed and replaced with a clear one.  The cornea is the clear dome on the front of the eye. [Click here] to read more about it.