Publications of Rong-Qing Jia
- R. Q. Jia, A characterization of
the approximation order
of translation invariant spaces of functions,
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 111 (1991), 61--70.
- W. Dahmen, R. Q. Jia and C. A. Micchelli,
On linear dependence relations for integer translates of compactly
supported distributions,
Math. Nachr. 151 (1991), 303--310.
- D. P. Dryanov, R. Q. Jia and A. Sharma,
Quadrature formulae with Birkhoff type data on equidistant nodes
for $2\pi$-periodic functions,
in Progress in Approximation Theory (1991), 243--261.
- R. Q. Jia and J. J. Lei,
Approximation by piecewise exponentials,
SIAM J. Math. Anal. 22 (1991), 1776--1789.
- R. Q. Jia and A. Sharma,
Solvability of some multivariate interpolation problems,
J. reine angew. Math. 421 (1991), 73--81.
- R. Q. Jia and C. A. Micchelli,
Using the refinement equations for the construction of pre-wavelets
II: Powers of two, in
Curves and Surfaces (P. J. Laurent, A. Le Mehaute and
L. L. Schumaker eds.), Academic Press, New York (1991), pp. 209--246.
- R. Q. Jia, S. D. Riemenschneider and Z. W. Shen,
Dimension of kernels of linear operators,
Amer. J. Math. 114 (1992), 157--184.
- R. Q. Jia and C. A. Micchelli,
Using the refinement equations for the construction of
pre-wavelets V: Extensibility of trigonometric polynomials,
Computing 48 (1992), 61--72.
- R. Q. Jia and C. A. Micchelli,
On linear independence
of integer translates of a finite number of functions,
Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 36 (1992), 69--85.
- R. Q. Jia, Approximation by multivariate splines:
an application of Boolean methods, in
Numerical Methods of Approximation Theory, Vol. 9
(D. Braess and L. L. Schumaker eds.),
Birkhauser Verlag, Basel (1992), pp. 117--134.
- R. Q. Jia and J. J. Lei, Approximation
by multiinteger translates of functions having global support,
J. Approx. Theory 72 (1993), 2--23.
- C. de Boor and R. Q. Jia,
A sharp upper bound
on the approximation order of smooth bivariate pp functions,
J. Approx. Theory 72 (1993), 24--33.
- R. Q. Jia, Multivariate Discrete splines
and linear Diophantine equations,
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 340 (1993), 179--198.
- R. Q. Jia and J. Z. Wang,
Stability and linear independence
associated with wavelet decompositions,
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 117 (1993), 1115--1124.
- R. Q. Jia, A dual basis
for the integer translates of an exponential box spline,
Rocky Mountain J. Math 23 (1993), 223--242.
- R. Q. Jia and J. J. Lei,
A new version of the Strang-Fix conditions,
J. Approx. Theory 74 (1993), 221--225.
- R. Q. Jia, A Bernstein type inequality
associated with wavelet decomposition,
Constr. Approx. 9 (1993), 299--318.
- R. Q. Jia, S. D. Riemenschneider and Z. W. Shen,
Solvability of systems of linear operator equations,
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 120 (1994), 815--824.
- R. Q. Jia and Z. W. Shen,
Multiresolution and wavelets,
Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 37 (1994), 271--300.
- R. Q. Jia, Multiresolution of $L_p$ spaces,
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 184 (1994), 620--639.
- R. Q. Jia,
The Toeplitz theorem and its applications to
Approximation Theory and linear PDE's,
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 347 (1995), 2585--2594.
- C. K. Chui, D. Hong and R. Q. Jia,
Stability of optimal-order approximation by bivariate splines
over arbitrary triangulations,
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 347 (1995), 3301--3318.
- R. Q. Jia,
Subdivision schemes in $L_p$ spaces,
Advances in Comp. Math. 3 (1995), 309--341.
- R. Q. Jia, Refinable shift-invariant spaces: from splines
to wavelets, in Approximation Theory VIII, Vol. 2
(C. K. Chui and L. L. Schumaker eds.),
World Scientific Publishing Co., Inc. (1995), pp. 179--208.
- R. Q. Jia, Total positivity and nonlinear analysis,
in Total Positivity and its Applications
(M. Gasca and C. A. Micchelli eds.),
Kluwer Academic Publishers (1995), pp. 403--427.