pdf version)
The list of papers below
Sunday, Dec 2nd 2012
Time: 7:00pm - 10:00pm
Welcome Reception
Location: Golden Cage Restaurant
Kempinski Hotel Badamdar, Baku
Monday, Dec 3rd 2012
Location: Kempinski Hotel Badamdar
Location: Azerbaijan Technical University
Time: 7:30pm-10.00pm
Location: Absheron Hotel, Sharg Hall
Tuesday, Dec 4th 2012
Location: Kempinski Hotel Badamdar
Time: 7:30pm-10:00pm
Location: Hilton Hotel, Sevda Hall
Wednesday, Dec 5th 2012
Location: Kempinski Hotel Badamdar
Time: 7:30pm-10.00pm
Location: Yacht Club
The list of papers
Monday, Dec 3rd 2012
Time : 11:30am - 12:50pm
Fusion, Reasoning and Preferences
Chair: Janusz Kacprzyk Location: Qabala Ballroom A
Knowledge Fusion in Context-Aware Decision Support: Ontology-Based Modeling and Patterns
Alexander Smirnov, Tatiana Levashova, Nikolay Shilov, and Andrew Krizhanovsky
Probabilistic reasoning with vague information
Giulianella Coletti, and Barbara Vantaggi
A new preference approach for ranking fuzzy numbers
Soheil Salahshour, and Tofigh Allahviranloo
Preference Function Reconstruction for Multiple Criteria Decision Making Based on Machine Learning Approach
Leonid Lyubchyk, and Galyna Grinberg
Knowledge Management and Experimental Analysis
Chair: Mo Jamshidi Location: Qabala Ballroom B
Simulation of Building of the Complex on Intelligent Information Systems Training and Knowledge Control (IISTKC)
Havar Mammadov, Shahnaz Shahbazova, Qassan Quseynov, and Mustafa Babanli
Visualization of Measuring Experiments in a Context of Acceptance of Decisions
Bahram Ismailov
Fuzzy Model of Knowledge and Its Application to Learning
Adalat Pashayev, and Elkhan Sabziev
Application of fuzzy multi-criteria method in decision-making support of personnel management problems
Masuma Mamedova, and Zarifa Jabrailova
Fuzziness in Analysis of Human and Social Behaviours
Chair: Antonio DI NOLA Location: Qabala Ballroom C
Fuzzy Approach to Identification of Human Emotions Based on Recognition and Analysis of Body Movements
Artem S. Bobkov, Vladimir L. Rosaliev, Alla V. Zaboleeva-Zotova,
and Alexey B. Petrovsky
Fuzzy Analyzes of Quality Socioeconomic System
G.C. Imanov
Evaluation of e-Government Benefits in the Republic of Azerbaijan by Using Fuzzy Model
N. J. Hajiyev
Use mathematical model for improvement of municipal management in Azerbaijan and forecasting its future
A.I. Mehdialiyev
Tuesday, Dec 4th 2012
Time : 10:45am - 12:05pm
Fuzzy Recognition/Classification and Image Processing
Chair: Vesa A. Niskanen Location: Qabala Ballroom A
Spatiotemporal Human Brain Activities on Recalling Body Names II
Takahiro Yamanoi, Yoshinori Tanaka, Mika Otuki, Shin-Ichi Ohnishi,
Toshimasa Yamazaki, and Michio Sugeno
Novel Image Fusion Based on F-transform
Irina Perfilieva, and Marek Vajgl
Improving the Accuracy of a Fuzzy-Based Single-Stroke Character Recognizer by Antecedent Weighting
Alex Tormasi, and Laszlo T. Koczy
The Development of an Algorithmic Model for Object Recognition From Visual and Sound Information Based on Neuro-Fuzzy Logic
Sabina Shahbazzade
Image thresholding by grouping functions. Application to MRI images
Aranzazu Jurio, Daniel Paternain, Miguel Pagola, and Humberto Bustince
Management Applications and Group Decision-Making
Chair: Fernando Gomide Location: Qabala Ballroom B
Group Multiple Criteria Decision Making: Multiset Approach
Alexey Petrovsky
Models of management and the prognostication of water balance in rivers and reservoirs.
Faik Nagiyev, Gazanfar Orujov, and Almaz Aliyeva
A New Multi-Objective Programming Model for Recovery Planning Problem under Uncertainty
Navid Sahebjamnia, Ali Torabi, and Nima Salehi
A new bi-objective model for locating backup facilities in multi branch companies considering spatial dispersion and concentration risks
Nima Salehi, Aida Khayatian, and Reza Tavakkoli-Moghaddam
Transportation and Mobile Applications, Customer (CRM) Applications
Chair: Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier Location: Qabala Ballroom C
Fuzzy Logic for Optimization of Transportation Problems
Yuriy Kondratenko, Galyna Kondratenko, Igor Atamanyuk, and Ievgen Sidenko
An Imperialist Competitive Algorithm for Vehicle Routing Problem in Cross-docking with Soft Time Windows
Asefeh Hasani-Goodarzi, and Reza Tavakkoli-Moghaddam
A new approach based on soft computing for solving an open transportation problem of linear programming
Afik Allahverdiyed
Automatic Ball Tracking in Mobile Robot Soccer
Michael Scopchanov, and Oved Farhi
Time : 12:05pm - 1:25pm
Operational Research
Chair: Vladik Kreinovich Location: Qabala Ballroom A
Scheduling Non-Permutation Flow Shop Problem with machine Availability Constraints and Learning Effects: Hybrid Meta-Heuristic
Behdin Vahedi Nouri, Reza Ramezanian, Parviz Fattahi,
and Reza Tavakkoli-Moghaddam
Declining Total of the Maximum Delay and Maximum Promptitude: Parallel Machine Programming with Assumptive Actions
Ali Azadeh, Alireza Faed, Morteza Saberi, and Elizabeth Chang
Multi-product multi-period capacitated lot-sizing and scheduling problem: Firefly algorithm
Reza Ramezanian, and Mohammad Saidi-Mehrabad
A Fuzzy Multi-Objective Linear Program for Solving Capacitated Lot Sizing Problem in a Mixed-assembly Shop
Navid Sahebjamnia, Ali Torabi, and Nima Salehi
Applications in Supply and Inventory Management
Chair: Hao Ying Location: Qabala Ballroom B
A New Network Optimization and Supplier Selection Model Considering Price and Quality
Amirhossein Meisami, Nima Salehi, and Mahbod Amouie
A fuzzy stochastic programming approach for multi-level capacitated lot-sizing problem under uncertainty
Navid Sahebjamnia, Ali Torabi, and Nima Salehi
Single-Echelon Inventory Management Using a Reinforcement Learning Technique
Masoud Mahootchi, Zahra Saberi, and Behroz Karimi
Decision-Making Based on Fuzzy Estimation of Quality Level for Cargo Delivery
Yuriy Kondratenko, and Ievgen Sidenko
Industrial Applications: Oil Wells, Seismic Stability, and Power Network
Chair: Luis Magdalena Location: Qabala Ballroom C
Robust Technology for Determining of Flow Rate of Oil Wells
Telman Aliev, Gambar Guluyev, Asif Rzayev, Fahrad Pashayev, Rauf Gadimov, and Ismat Sattarov
System for monitoring of seismic stability of complexes of building structures
Telman Aliev, Naila Musayeva, Elchin Aliyev, Ulkar Sattarova, and Rauf Gadimov
The Synthesis of Optimal System of Oil Quality Control
Teodor Kopisitsky, and Yusif Rzayev
About Application of Artificial IntelligenceÕs Methods for Estimation of Power Losses in Distributive Electric Networks
A.B. Balametov, and E.D. Halilov
Wednesday, Dec 5th 2012
Time : 11:30am - 12:50pm
Fuzziness and Applications
Chair: Ashok Deshpande Location: Qabala Ballroom A
Fuzzy difference and differential-difference equations
Tofigh Allahviranloo, and Soheil Salahshour
A New Approach to Solving Decision Making Problem with Z-Information under Uncertain Environment
Latafat A. Gardashova
Diagnosing of Systems under Ekspert-Estimated Fuzzy Binary Relations (FBR)
T.Q. Rzayev, A.T. Iskenderova, and A.G. Alibalaeva
Approximate Z-Number Evaluation based on Categorical Sets of Probability Distributions
S. Tadayon, and B. Tadayon
Fuzzy Sets and Logic
Chair: Shinichi Onishi Location: Qabala Ballroom B
Solution method for a non-homogeneous fuzzy initial value problem
Nizami Gasilov, Sahin Emrah Amrahov, Afet Golayoglu Fatullayev,
and Ilyas Hashimoglu
A New Type Reduction Method for Piecewise Linear Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Sets
Cenk Ulu, Mujde Guzelkaya, and Ibrahim Eksin
Probabilistic-Statistical Methods of the Decision Tasks of the Theory of Fuzzy Sets
T.Q. Rzayev
Study and Application of Smooth Class of Membership Functions for Fuzzy Sets
N. T. Ismayilova
Optimization and Algorithms-I
Chair: Tadanari Taniguchi Location: Qabala Ballroom C
Behavior of Tsetlin's Learning Automata in a Fuzzy Environment
Vadim Stefanuk
A New Heuristic Algorithm for Solving the Dominating Subset with Minimal Weight Problem
Can Atilgan, Burak Ordin, and Urfat Nuriyev
A New Hybrid Algorithm Inspired By Astrophysics for Numerical Optimization
Soroor Sarafrazi, and Hossein Nezamabadi-Pour
On a solution of one fuzzy logic problem
R. Y. Shikhlinskaya, and B. M. Qasomov
Time : 2:00pm - 3:40pm
Special Session: Industrial Applications
Chair: Shahnaz Shahbazova Location: Qabala Ballroom A
Efficacy of selected Soft Computing techniques in Ranking of Sites for Hazardous Industrial Installation
Kalyani Sambhoo Salla, Dr Sanjay Kadam, and Dr Ashok Deshpande
Initial Screening of Gynecological Diseases in a Patient, Expert's Knowledgebase and Fuzzy Set Theory: A Case Study in India
Anjali Sardesai, Vilas Kharat, Ashok Deshpande, and Pradip Sambarey
Fuzzy resolution with similarity-based reasoning
Banibrata Mondal, and Swapan Raha
Development of Environment Friendly Air Conditioner using Fuzzy logic
Roshan Kshirsagar, Chetankumar Patil, and Ashok Deshpande
Fuzzy set in gene expression
Dipankar Mazumdar, and Swapan Raha
Fuzzy Control, and Intelligent Monitoring
Chair: Takahiro Yamanoi Location: Qabala Ballroom B
Fuzzy Control as the entrance door to Control Theory
Antonio Dourado
Nonlinear Control for Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output Nonlinear Systems with PB Models Based on I/O Linearization
Tadanari Taniguchi, Luka Eciolaza, and Michio Sugeno
Feedback Error Learning through Piecewise Bilinear Models
Luka Eciolaza, Tadanari Taniguchi, and Michio Sugeno
Problem of Optimal Control of Gas Lift with Fuzzy Initial Conditions
F.A. Aliev, A.A.Niftiev, M.M. Mutallimov, and M.A.Namazov
Intelligent robust distributed system for monitoring and control of seismic stability of high-rise buildings and monitoring of origin of anomalous seismic processes
Telman Aliev, Ali Abbasov, Gambar Guluyev, Fahrad Pashayev, and Ulkar Sattarova
Neural Networks: Construction and Application
Chair: A. V. Smirnov Location: Qabala Ballroom C
Uninorm-Based Fuzzy Neural Networks and Approximation
Fernando Bordignon, and Fernando Gomide
Combining Neural Networks, Fuzzy Regression and Genetic Algorithm to Optimize Real Value of Ambiguous Inputs in Production
Ali Azadeh, Alireza Faed, Morteza Saberi, and Elizabeth Chang
A Hybrid ANN-Fuzzy Inference System Approach to Intensify Transformation and Variance Stabilization Using Noisy and Uncertain Data
Ali Azadeh, Alireza Faed, Morteza Saberi, and Elizabeth Chang
Improving the Model Convergence Properties of Classifier Feedforward MLP Neural Networks
Annamaria R. Varkonyi-Koczy, and Balazs Tusor
Chaotic Systems Predictability using Neuro-Fuzzy Systems and Neural Networks with Bred Vectors
Pettras Dos Santos, Haroldo Campos Velho, Rosangela Cintra, and Sandra Sandri
Time : 3:55pm - 5:15pm
Data Mining Applications and Systems
Chair: Valery B. Tarassov Location: Qabala Ballroom A
Poincare Return Times in the Interaction of Chaotic and Stochastic Systems
Eduard Vladimirsky
Data Mining Application in Analysis of Knowledge Management Gaps
Maryam Nazaridoust, and Jalal Rezaienour
Data Mining of Associate Degree Accepted Candidates By Using Unsupervised Paradigm
Maryam Nazaridoust, and Behrouz Minaie Bidgoli
Context-Dependent Interpretation of Medical Data
Mila Kwiatkowska, and N. T. Ayas
Temporal Issues and Data Analysis
Chair: Guy De Tre Location: Qabala Ballroom B
A Flexible Algorithm for Fault Diagnosis in a Centrifugal Pump with Corrupted Data and Noise
Morteza Saberi, Ali Azadeh, Elizabeth Chang, Ahmad Kazem, and Zahra Saberi
Visualising and Handling Uncertain Time Intervals in a Two-Dimensional Triangular Space
Guy De Tre, Antoon Bronselaer, Christophe Billiet, Yi Qiang,
Nico Van de Weghe, Philippe De Maeyer, Jose Enrique Pons, and Olga Pons
Time Series Trend Extraction and its Linguistic Evaluation Using F-Transform and Fuzzy Natural Logic
Vilem Novak, Viktor Pavliska, Martin Stepnicka, and Lenka Stepnickova
Using Zadeh's Granulation Concept: Granular Logics and Their Application to Sensor Data Analysis
Valery B. Tarassov, and Maria N. Svyatkina
Optimization and Algorithms-II
Chair: Bijan Tadayon Location: Qabala Ballroom C
A New Hyperheuristic Algorithm for Solving Traveling Salesman Problem
Fidan Nuriyeva, and Gozde Kizilates
A Flexible Intelligent Algorithm for Assessment and Optimization of Gas Transmission Systems Performance Based on Dynamic Decision Making Styles and Safety Factors
Mohamad Ali Azadeh, Fereshteh Valianpour, Morteza Saberi, and Behzad Ashjari
On The Optimization of the Bandpass Length for the Bandpass Problem
Arif Gursoy, Mehmet Kurt, Hakan Kutucu, and Urfat Nuriyev

The list of papers below
Sunday, Dec 2nd 2012
Time: 7:00pm - 10:00pm
Welcome Reception
Location: Golden Cage Restaurant
Kempinski Hotel Badamdar, Baku
Monday, Dec 3rd 2012
Location: Kempinski Hotel Badamdar
Registration and Coffee | |||
Social Network Computing Ronald R. Yager Qabala Ballroom A |
Computing with words: past, present and future challenges
Janusz Kacprzyk Qabala Ballroom A |
Coffee Break | |||
Fuzzy modeling, a bridge to linguistic expressiveness
Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier Qabala Ballroom A |
Qabala Ballroom A |
Qabala Ballroom B |
Qabala Ballroom C |
Lunch (provided) |
Location: Azerbaijan Technical University
Opening Session Lotfi A. Zadeh, Ali M. Abbassov, Ronald R. Yager, Mo Jamshidi, Havar Mammadov, Burhan Türkşen, Shahnaz Shahbazova |
A Restriction-Centered Theory of Reasoning and Computation
Lotfi A. Zadeh |
Coffee Break | |||||
Ceremony of the Honorary Degree upon Dr. Ronald R. Yager |
Time: 7:30pm-10.00pm
Location: Absheron Hotel, Sharg Hall
Tuesday, Dec 4th 2012
Location: Kempinski Hotel Badamdar
Intelligent robust distributed system for monitoring and control of seismic stability of
high-rise buildings and monitoring of origin of anomalous seismic processes Telman A. Aliev Qabala Ballroom A |
9:45am-10:30am | Why can we think? Michio Sugeno Qabala Ballroom A |
10:30am-10:45am | Coffee Break |
10:45am-12:05pm | Qabala Ballroom A |
Qabala Ballroom B |
Qabala Ballroom C |
12:05pm-1:25pm | Qabala Ballroom A |
Qabala Ballroom B |
Qabala Ballroom C |
1:25pm-3:00pm | Lunch (provided) | ||
3:00pm-3:45pm | Intelligent Management Decisions for a System of Conventional and
Sustainable Energy Systems with Air Pollution Constraints Mo Jamshidi Auditorium |
3:45pm-4:30pm | Fuzzy Modeling: A Retrospective View and Future Directions Witold Pedrycz Auditorium |
4:30pm-4:45pm | Coffee Break |
4:45pm-5:30pm | On fuzziness and the interpretability-accuracy trade-off Luis Magdalena Auditorium |
5:30pm-6:15pm | From Booleanity to Fuzziness Antonio Di Nola Auditorium |
6:15pm-7:00pm | Data and Variable Compression with Fuzzy Extended Logic in
Statistical Modeling Vesa A. Niskanen Auditorium |
Time: 7:30pm-10:00pm
Location: Hilton Hotel, Sevda Hall
Wednesday, Dec 5th 2012
Location: Kempinski Hotel Badamdar
Type 1, …, full type N fuzzy system models I. Burhan Türksen Qabala Ballroom A |
9:45am-10:30am | Need for Expert Knowledge (and Soft Computing) in Geosciences Vladik Kreinovich Qabala Ballroom A |
10:30am-10:45am | Coffee Break | ||
10:45am-11:30am | Representing and Analyzing the Look-up Table Controllers via Mamdani Fuzzy Control Hao Ying Qabala Ballroom A |
11:30am-12:50pm | Qabala Ballroom A |
Qabala Ballroom B |
Qabala Ballroom C |
12:50pm-2:00pm | Lunch (provided) | ||
2:00pm-3:40pm | Qabala Ballroom A |
Qabala Ballroom B |
Qabala Ballroom C |
3:40pm-3:55pm | Coffee Break | ||
3:55pm-5:15pm | Qabala Ballroom A |
Qabala Ballroom B |
Algorithms-II Qabala Ballroom C |
5:15pm-6:00pm | Mathematical model of the applicability of expert systems based on neural networks technology and hybrid systems for decision-making
Shahnaz N. Shahbazova Auditorium |
Time: 7:30pm-10.00pm
Location: Yacht Club
The list of papers
Monday, Dec 3rd 2012
Time : 11:30am - 12:50pm
Fusion, Reasoning and Preferences
Chair: Janusz Kacprzyk Location: Qabala Ballroom A
Knowledge Fusion in Context-Aware Decision Support: Ontology-Based Modeling and Patterns
Alexander Smirnov, Tatiana Levashova, Nikolay Shilov, and Andrew Krizhanovsky
Probabilistic reasoning with vague information
Giulianella Coletti, and Barbara Vantaggi
A new preference approach for ranking fuzzy numbers
Soheil Salahshour, and Tofigh Allahviranloo
Preference Function Reconstruction for Multiple Criteria Decision Making Based on Machine Learning Approach
Leonid Lyubchyk, and Galyna Grinberg
Knowledge Management and Experimental Analysis
Chair: Mo Jamshidi Location: Qabala Ballroom B
Simulation of Building of the Complex on Intelligent Information Systems Training and Knowledge Control (IISTKC)
Havar Mammadov, Shahnaz Shahbazova, Qassan Quseynov, and Mustafa Babanli
Visualization of Measuring Experiments in a Context of Acceptance of Decisions
Bahram Ismailov
Fuzzy Model of Knowledge and Its Application to Learning
Adalat Pashayev, and Elkhan Sabziev
Application of fuzzy multi-criteria method in decision-making support of personnel management problems
Masuma Mamedova, and Zarifa Jabrailova
Fuzziness in Analysis of Human and Social Behaviours
Chair: Antonio DI NOLA Location: Qabala Ballroom C
Fuzzy Approach to Identification of Human Emotions Based on Recognition and Analysis of Body Movements
Artem S. Bobkov, Vladimir L. Rosaliev, Alla V. Zaboleeva-Zotova,
and Alexey B. Petrovsky
Fuzzy Analyzes of Quality Socioeconomic System
G.C. Imanov
Evaluation of e-Government Benefits in the Republic of Azerbaijan by Using Fuzzy Model
N. J. Hajiyev
Use mathematical model for improvement of municipal management in Azerbaijan and forecasting its future
A.I. Mehdialiyev
Tuesday, Dec 4th 2012
Time : 10:45am - 12:05pm
Fuzzy Recognition/Classification and Image Processing
Chair: Vesa A. Niskanen Location: Qabala Ballroom A
Spatiotemporal Human Brain Activities on Recalling Body Names II
Takahiro Yamanoi, Yoshinori Tanaka, Mika Otuki, Shin-Ichi Ohnishi,
Toshimasa Yamazaki, and Michio Sugeno
Novel Image Fusion Based on F-transform
Irina Perfilieva, and Marek Vajgl
Improving the Accuracy of a Fuzzy-Based Single-Stroke Character Recognizer by Antecedent Weighting
Alex Tormasi, and Laszlo T. Koczy
The Development of an Algorithmic Model for Object Recognition From Visual and Sound Information Based on Neuro-Fuzzy Logic
Sabina Shahbazzade
Image thresholding by grouping functions. Application to MRI images
Aranzazu Jurio, Daniel Paternain, Miguel Pagola, and Humberto Bustince
Management Applications and Group Decision-Making
Chair: Fernando Gomide Location: Qabala Ballroom B
Group Multiple Criteria Decision Making: Multiset Approach
Alexey Petrovsky
Models of management and the prognostication of water balance in rivers and reservoirs.
Faik Nagiyev, Gazanfar Orujov, and Almaz Aliyeva
A New Multi-Objective Programming Model for Recovery Planning Problem under Uncertainty
Navid Sahebjamnia, Ali Torabi, and Nima Salehi
A new bi-objective model for locating backup facilities in multi branch companies considering spatial dispersion and concentration risks
Nima Salehi, Aida Khayatian, and Reza Tavakkoli-Moghaddam
Transportation and Mobile Applications, Customer (CRM) Applications
Chair: Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier Location: Qabala Ballroom C
Fuzzy Logic for Optimization of Transportation Problems
Yuriy Kondratenko, Galyna Kondratenko, Igor Atamanyuk, and Ievgen Sidenko
An Imperialist Competitive Algorithm for Vehicle Routing Problem in Cross-docking with Soft Time Windows
Asefeh Hasani-Goodarzi, and Reza Tavakkoli-Moghaddam
A new approach based on soft computing for solving an open transportation problem of linear programming
Afik Allahverdiyed
Automatic Ball Tracking in Mobile Robot Soccer
Michael Scopchanov, and Oved Farhi
Time : 12:05pm - 1:25pm
Operational Research
Chair: Vladik Kreinovich Location: Qabala Ballroom A
Scheduling Non-Permutation Flow Shop Problem with machine Availability Constraints and Learning Effects: Hybrid Meta-Heuristic
Behdin Vahedi Nouri, Reza Ramezanian, Parviz Fattahi,
and Reza Tavakkoli-Moghaddam
Declining Total of the Maximum Delay and Maximum Promptitude: Parallel Machine Programming with Assumptive Actions
Ali Azadeh, Alireza Faed, Morteza Saberi, and Elizabeth Chang
Multi-product multi-period capacitated lot-sizing and scheduling problem: Firefly algorithm
Reza Ramezanian, and Mohammad Saidi-Mehrabad
A Fuzzy Multi-Objective Linear Program for Solving Capacitated Lot Sizing Problem in a Mixed-assembly Shop
Navid Sahebjamnia, Ali Torabi, and Nima Salehi
Applications in Supply and Inventory Management
Chair: Hao Ying Location: Qabala Ballroom B
A New Network Optimization and Supplier Selection Model Considering Price and Quality
Amirhossein Meisami, Nima Salehi, and Mahbod Amouie
A fuzzy stochastic programming approach for multi-level capacitated lot-sizing problem under uncertainty
Navid Sahebjamnia, Ali Torabi, and Nima Salehi
Single-Echelon Inventory Management Using a Reinforcement Learning Technique
Masoud Mahootchi, Zahra Saberi, and Behroz Karimi
Decision-Making Based on Fuzzy Estimation of Quality Level for Cargo Delivery
Yuriy Kondratenko, and Ievgen Sidenko
Industrial Applications: Oil Wells, Seismic Stability, and Power Network
Chair: Luis Magdalena Location: Qabala Ballroom C
Robust Technology for Determining of Flow Rate of Oil Wells
Telman Aliev, Gambar Guluyev, Asif Rzayev, Fahrad Pashayev, Rauf Gadimov, and Ismat Sattarov
System for monitoring of seismic stability of complexes of building structures
Telman Aliev, Naila Musayeva, Elchin Aliyev, Ulkar Sattarova, and Rauf Gadimov
The Synthesis of Optimal System of Oil Quality Control
Teodor Kopisitsky, and Yusif Rzayev
About Application of Artificial IntelligenceÕs Methods for Estimation of Power Losses in Distributive Electric Networks
A.B. Balametov, and E.D. Halilov
Wednesday, Dec 5th 2012
Time : 11:30am - 12:50pm
Fuzziness and Applications
Chair: Ashok Deshpande Location: Qabala Ballroom A
Fuzzy difference and differential-difference equations
Tofigh Allahviranloo, and Soheil Salahshour
A New Approach to Solving Decision Making Problem with Z-Information under Uncertain Environment
Latafat A. Gardashova
Diagnosing of Systems under Ekspert-Estimated Fuzzy Binary Relations (FBR)
T.Q. Rzayev, A.T. Iskenderova, and A.G. Alibalaeva
Approximate Z-Number Evaluation based on Categorical Sets of Probability Distributions
S. Tadayon, and B. Tadayon
Fuzzy Sets and Logic
Chair: Shinichi Onishi Location: Qabala Ballroom B
Solution method for a non-homogeneous fuzzy initial value problem
Nizami Gasilov, Sahin Emrah Amrahov, Afet Golayoglu Fatullayev,
and Ilyas Hashimoglu
A New Type Reduction Method for Piecewise Linear Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Sets
Cenk Ulu, Mujde Guzelkaya, and Ibrahim Eksin
Probabilistic-Statistical Methods of the Decision Tasks of the Theory of Fuzzy Sets
T.Q. Rzayev
Study and Application of Smooth Class of Membership Functions for Fuzzy Sets
N. T. Ismayilova
Optimization and Algorithms-I
Chair: Tadanari Taniguchi Location: Qabala Ballroom C
Behavior of Tsetlin's Learning Automata in a Fuzzy Environment
Vadim Stefanuk
A New Heuristic Algorithm for Solving the Dominating Subset with Minimal Weight Problem
Can Atilgan, Burak Ordin, and Urfat Nuriyev
A New Hybrid Algorithm Inspired By Astrophysics for Numerical Optimization
Soroor Sarafrazi, and Hossein Nezamabadi-Pour
On a solution of one fuzzy logic problem
R. Y. Shikhlinskaya, and B. M. Qasomov
Time : 2:00pm - 3:40pm
Special Session: Industrial Applications
Chair: Shahnaz Shahbazova Location: Qabala Ballroom A
Efficacy of selected Soft Computing techniques in Ranking of Sites for Hazardous Industrial Installation
Kalyani Sambhoo Salla, Dr Sanjay Kadam, and Dr Ashok Deshpande
Initial Screening of Gynecological Diseases in a Patient, Expert's Knowledgebase and Fuzzy Set Theory: A Case Study in India
Anjali Sardesai, Vilas Kharat, Ashok Deshpande, and Pradip Sambarey
Fuzzy resolution with similarity-based reasoning
Banibrata Mondal, and Swapan Raha
Development of Environment Friendly Air Conditioner using Fuzzy logic
Roshan Kshirsagar, Chetankumar Patil, and Ashok Deshpande
Fuzzy set in gene expression
Dipankar Mazumdar, and Swapan Raha
Fuzzy Control, and Intelligent Monitoring
Chair: Takahiro Yamanoi Location: Qabala Ballroom B
Fuzzy Control as the entrance door to Control Theory
Antonio Dourado
Nonlinear Control for Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output Nonlinear Systems with PB Models Based on I/O Linearization
Tadanari Taniguchi, Luka Eciolaza, and Michio Sugeno
Feedback Error Learning through Piecewise Bilinear Models
Luka Eciolaza, Tadanari Taniguchi, and Michio Sugeno
Problem of Optimal Control of Gas Lift with Fuzzy Initial Conditions
F.A. Aliev, A.A.Niftiev, M.M. Mutallimov, and M.A.Namazov
Intelligent robust distributed system for monitoring and control of seismic stability of high-rise buildings and monitoring of origin of anomalous seismic processes
Telman Aliev, Ali Abbasov, Gambar Guluyev, Fahrad Pashayev, and Ulkar Sattarova
Neural Networks: Construction and Application
Chair: A. V. Smirnov Location: Qabala Ballroom C
Uninorm-Based Fuzzy Neural Networks and Approximation
Fernando Bordignon, and Fernando Gomide
Combining Neural Networks, Fuzzy Regression and Genetic Algorithm to Optimize Real Value of Ambiguous Inputs in Production
Ali Azadeh, Alireza Faed, Morteza Saberi, and Elizabeth Chang
A Hybrid ANN-Fuzzy Inference System Approach to Intensify Transformation and Variance Stabilization Using Noisy and Uncertain Data
Ali Azadeh, Alireza Faed, Morteza Saberi, and Elizabeth Chang
Improving the Model Convergence Properties of Classifier Feedforward MLP Neural Networks
Annamaria R. Varkonyi-Koczy, and Balazs Tusor
Chaotic Systems Predictability using Neuro-Fuzzy Systems and Neural Networks with Bred Vectors
Pettras Dos Santos, Haroldo Campos Velho, Rosangela Cintra, and Sandra Sandri
Time : 3:55pm - 5:15pm
Data Mining Applications and Systems
Chair: Valery B. Tarassov Location: Qabala Ballroom A
Poincare Return Times in the Interaction of Chaotic and Stochastic Systems
Eduard Vladimirsky
Data Mining Application in Analysis of Knowledge Management Gaps
Maryam Nazaridoust, and Jalal Rezaienour
Data Mining of Associate Degree Accepted Candidates By Using Unsupervised Paradigm
Maryam Nazaridoust, and Behrouz Minaie Bidgoli
Context-Dependent Interpretation of Medical Data
Mila Kwiatkowska, and N. T. Ayas
Temporal Issues and Data Analysis
Chair: Guy De Tre Location: Qabala Ballroom B
A Flexible Algorithm for Fault Diagnosis in a Centrifugal Pump with Corrupted Data and Noise
Morteza Saberi, Ali Azadeh, Elizabeth Chang, Ahmad Kazem, and Zahra Saberi
Visualising and Handling Uncertain Time Intervals in a Two-Dimensional Triangular Space
Guy De Tre, Antoon Bronselaer, Christophe Billiet, Yi Qiang,
Nico Van de Weghe, Philippe De Maeyer, Jose Enrique Pons, and Olga Pons
Time Series Trend Extraction and its Linguistic Evaluation Using F-Transform and Fuzzy Natural Logic
Vilem Novak, Viktor Pavliska, Martin Stepnicka, and Lenka Stepnickova
Using Zadeh's Granulation Concept: Granular Logics and Their Application to Sensor Data Analysis
Valery B. Tarassov, and Maria N. Svyatkina
Optimization and Algorithms-II
Chair: Bijan Tadayon Location: Qabala Ballroom C
A New Hyperheuristic Algorithm for Solving Traveling Salesman Problem
Fidan Nuriyeva, and Gozde Kizilates
A Flexible Intelligent Algorithm for Assessment and Optimization of Gas Transmission Systems Performance Based on Dynamic Decision Making Styles and Safety Factors
Mohamad Ali Azadeh, Fereshteh Valianpour, Morteza Saberi, and Behzad Ashjari
On The Optimization of the Bandpass Length for the Bandpass Problem
Arif Gursoy, Mehmet Kurt, Hakan Kutucu, and Urfat Nuriyev