I'm employed at the University of Alberta in the Mechanical Engineering Department as an Electronic Engineering Technologist.
This is a personal website using some free webspace I have available as an employee.

Various publications that have acknowleged me in some way
- Yalçin, Serife, Ying Y. Tsui, and Robert Fedosejevs. "Pressure dependence of emission intensity in femtosecond laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy." Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 19.10 (2004): 1295-1301.
- Reid, Matthew. "Terahertz radiation from InAs, GaAs and InP emitters at high excitation" PhD thesis, University of Alberta (2005).
- Taschuk, Michael Thomas. "Quantification of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy at low energies." PhD thesis, University of Alberta (2007).
- Serbanescu, Cristina. "K-alpha x-Ray and hot electron emission from microjoule femtosecond laser produced plasmas." PhD thesis, University of Alberta (2008).
- Kirkwood, Sean Eric. "Characterization of metal and semiconductor nanomilling at near threshold intensities using femtosecond laser pulses." PhD thesis, University of Alberta (2008).
- Handford, Daniel I. "Direct Injection Assisted HCCI Combustion of Natural Gas" MSc thesis, University of Alberta (2009).
- Baugh, Aaron R. "Active open-loop control of a backward-facing step flow." MSc thesis, University of Alberta (2010).
- Godwal, Yogesh. "Laser Ablation Laser Induced Fluorescence for the Sensitive Detection of Heavy Metals in Water." PhD thesis, University of Alberta (2010).
- Pourjavad, Navid. "Wear behavior of flame sprayed nanostructured titania coatings." MSc thesis, University of Alberta (2011).
- Comyn, Graeme Ian. "Performance Evaluation, Wake Study, and Flow Visualization of Air and Large Diameter Water Droplets around the Blade of a Micro Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine." MSc thesis, University of Alberta (2011).
- Ahmad, Farhan. "Design and development of a two dimensional scanning molecular tagging velocimetry (MTV) system." MSc thesis, University of Alberta (2011).
- Boddez, Jason Bradley. "Evaluation of SI-HCCI-SI Mode-Switching Using Conventional Actuation on a CNG Engine." MSc thesis, University of Alberta (2011).
- Bussière, Mathew. "The experimental investigation of vortex wakes from oscillating airfoils." MSc thesis, University of Alberta (2012).
- Kandakkathara, Archana A. "High Sensitivity Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering Detection of Tryptophan." PhD thesis, University of Alberta (2012).
- Sindhu, Sunita. "Erbium Fiber Laser Developement For Applications in Sensing." MSc thesis, University of Alberta (2012).
- Benfield, David C. "A Study of Six-Axis MEMS Sensors for Load Detection in Biomedical Applications." PhD thesis, University of Alberta (2012).
- Therrien, D, Mcdonald, André, and Mertiny, Pierre. “Temperature measurements of polymer composite flat plates coated with aluminum-12silicon.” (2012). Proceedings of the International Thermal Spray Conference. 1-6.
- Golshahi, Laleh. "Development of Empirical Models to Predict Deposition of Aerosols in the Extrathoracic Airways of Children." PhD thesis, University of Alberta (2012).
- Mashkournia, Masoud. "Electromagnetic variable valve timing on a single cylinder engine in HCCI and SI." MSc thesis, University of Alberta (2012).
- Mohseni, Maryam. "Development of a novel electro-thermal anti-icing system for fiber-reinforced polymer composite airfoils." MSc thesis, University of Alberta (2012).
- Therrien, David Stuart. "Heat Transfer Analysis of Flame-sprayed Metal-polymer Composite Structures." MSc thesis, University of Alberta (2013).
- Miller, Samantha M. "Analysis of an open-cathode fuel cell stack in an enclosure for varying operating conditions." MSc thesis, University of Alberta (2013).
- Gharib, Hossam MH. "An Investigation of Using n-Si Piezoresistive Behavior to Develop a Three-Dimensional Stress Sensing Rosette." PhD thesis, University of Alberta (2013).
- Shamsaddini Shahrbabak, Abouzar. "Uniaxial Compaction of Pharmaceutical Powders." MSc thesis, University of Alberta (2013).
- Loewen, Derek J. "Characterization of Wear in a Laboratory-Scale Slurry Pipeline." MSc thesis, University of Alberta (2013).
- Bullock, Dallin S. "Characterization of Particulate Emissions of Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition Engines." MSc thesis, University of Alberta (2013).
- Karimi, Mina. "Design and Construction of a Temperature Cell to Study the Effect of Temperature Rise on Particle-Drop Impact." MSc thesis, University of Alberta (2013).
- Bhattacharya, Sanjay. "Buckling of a thin, viscous film in an axisymmetric geometry." MSc thesis, University of Alberta (2013).
- Carrigy, Nicholas B. "Effect of face mask leaks on inhaled corticosteroid delivery to infants." MSc thesis, University of Alberta (2014).
- Handford, Daniel I. "Development and Applications of an Emissions Micro-Simulation Tool for Transportation Infrastructure Design." PhD thesis, University of Alberta (2014).
- Vali, Alireza. "Investigation of the transport phenomena within the liquid phase of a methanol pool fire." PhD thesis, University of Alberta (2014).
- Delos Reyes, Ronald. "Static and Dynamic Performance Evaluation of a Piezoresistive Silicon MEMS Strain Sensor." MSc thesis, University of Alberta (2014).
- Lueke, J., M. Rezaei, and W. A. Moussa. "Investigation of folded spring structures for vibration-based piezoelectric energy harvesting." Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 24.12 (2014): 125011.
- Lueke, Jonathan S. "A Mems-Based Fixed-Fixed Folded Spring Piezoelectric Energy Harvester." PhD thesis, University of Alberta (2014).
- Martinez-Gonzalez, Alejandro. "Instrumentation Design, System Identification, and LQR/LQG Control of a Small Scale Helicopter." MSc thesis, University of Alberta (2014).
- Momenimovahed, Ali. "Measuring Vehicle Particle Emission Factors: Applications and Techniques." PhD thesis, University of Alberta (2014).
- Ruzycki, Conor Aidan. "Characterization of Aerosol Deposition in Children and Infants Using Idealized Extrathoracic Geometries." MSc thesis, University of Alberta (2014).
- Azhdarzadeh, Mehdi. "Effect of Electrostatic Charge on the Deposition of Monodisperse Uniformly Charged Particles in Idealized Extrathoracic Airway of an Adult, Child and Infant." PhD thesis, University of Alberta (2014).
- Vaezi, Mahdi. "Experimental and Techno-economic Studies of Pipeline Hydro-transport of Agricultural Residue Biomass to a Biorefinery." PhD thesis, University of Alberta (2014).
- Rezaeisaray, Mehdi. "Investigation of Potential Platforms for Low Frequency MEMS-based Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting." PhD thesis, University of Alberta (2015).
- Wang, Hui. "Low-frequency and macro-Raman analysis of respirable dosage forms and their sampling with a low flow rate single-nozzle cascade impactor." MSc thesis, University of Alberta (2015).
- Lueke, Jonathan, et al. "Microfabrication and integration of a sol-gel PZT folded spring energy harvester." Sensors 15.6 (2015): 12218-12241.
- Baldygin, Aleksey. "Oil recovery in porous media using emulsion flooding." PhD thesis, University of Alberta (2015).
- Olmedo, Nicolas A., and Michael G. Lipsett. "Design and field experimentation of a robotic system for tailings characterization." Journal of Unmanned Vehicle Systems 4.3 (2016): 169-192.
- Bhambri, Pallavi. "Drag reduction using additives in a Taylor-Couette Flow." MSc thesis, University of Alberta (2016).
- Zhang, Yi. "Damage in Polyethylene and its Pressure Pipe-Characterization and Detection Methods." PhD thesis, University of Alberta (2017).
- Ivey, James Willard. "Particle Formation from Evaporating Microdroplets for Inhaled Drug Delivery." PhD thesis, University of Alberta (2018).
- Kracher, James Richard. "Experimental Analysis of Transient Water Fluxes in PEM Fuel Cells." MSc thesis, University of Alberta (2018).
- Nieuwenhuis, Rochelle, et al. "Dynamics regularization with tree-like structures." Applied Mathematical Modelling 55 (2018): 205-223.
- Serrano, David. "Wind Tunnel Investigation of the Effect of Duct and Cross-flow on Small Propellers for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles." MSc thesis, University of Alberta (2018).
Student Union Award for leadership in Undergraduate Teaching (SALUTE) - 2005