Volume 35 Number 20 Edmonton, Canada June 12, 1998


laurels positions opinion focus talks notices ads
laurels positions opinion focus talks notices ads

Ann McLellan, federal justice minister and attorney general, places a sample of DNA in an NMR machine.

NANUC signals new cooperative era of research

Governments, researchers and universities join forces for a multi-million dollar investment in a high-tech, high-speed molecular research centre headquartered at the U of A. Full Story.

From good hands to good hands
Chancellor Lou Hyndman finishes a term with accomplishments and tells Folio all about it.

Ubiquitous thin film focus of engineering research
Research in a unique, innovative class of thin films (the basic technology covering everything from eyeglasses, windows, food wrappers and money) has been given a boost with a senior industrial research chair launched in the Faculty of Engineering.

Three's company at convocation ceremony
A grandfather, mother and son share the stage.

What do we do with bad kids?
Are changes to the Young Offenders' Act Tough or fluff? Read what these U of A experts have to say.

President's visit sets the stage for better health care in Japan
U of A and Sapporo Medical University join forces for Telehealth services in rural Japan.

Crohn's patients soar through phase two clinical trials
After a single course of treatment with ISIS 2302, the drug produced a remission of the debilitating disease in seven of 15 trial patients.

Government seeks advice
The federal government wants to hear from academics and researchers to fill in knowledge gaps about social, cultural and economic issues, as we head towards a new millenium.

Calgary alumni goes to the horses
The popular Spruce Meadows event draws two hundred U of A alumni guests and friends, more than double than last year.

U of A rises to Corporate Challenge
University teams pick up six medals at the 1998 Games.

Orchid Power
Color and fragrance explode at the U of A Devonian Botanic Garden.

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