June 12, 1998


Three's company at convocation ceremony

Grandfather, mother and son share the stage

Folio Staff

Three generations of educators: Ann
Manson Dr. Fred Bentley her father
and her son Rob Manson

It's a proud moment for any parent to watch their son or daughter walk across the Jubilee Auditorium stage and receive their U of A degree. But for this family, it was up close and personal.

Grandfather, Dr. Fred Bentley, and mom Ann Manson were the first to shake graduate Rob Manson's hand.

Both U of A alumni, Bentley and the elder Manson were participating in the convocation ceremony for the Faculty of Education and were next in line after Chancellor Lou Hyndman conferred the degree on Rob. Bentley is a former dean of agriculture and 1992 honorary degree recipient. Ann Manson teaches education students a course on the current realities of the classroom.

They're not the only ones with a teaching background.

"The interesting thing is our family is dedicated to teaching," said Bentley. "My wife and myself were teaching in one-room schools. Our two children both taught and their spouses, too... We believe in what we're doing," said the obviously proud and grinning grandfather.

Manson likes to joke teaching was in Rob's blood. "I was pregnant with him when I started my master's degree and he was a toddler when I finished." And despite the many degrees among all the family members, convocation is never an obligation.

"My parents always went to convocation," said Manson. "It's always a big deal."

For the younger Manson, who's not exactly a hugs and kisses kind of guy, the day brought mixed emotions. "It was great. [But] for them to be up there was kind of weird."

The class of 1998 is the largest graduating class in the history of the U of A. More than 5,200 students received degrees this year.

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