As the number of people studying Japanese is rapidly increasing worldwide, so are the opportunities
to put their skills to use in a wide variety of careers. This has led to the demand among the students
of Japanese for the establishment of a venue by which their language proficiency can be certified.
The Japanese-Language Proficiency Test was devised to respond to this growing demand in 1984.
The Japanese-Language Proficiency Test is conducted both in Japan and outside Japan to evaluate and
certify the language proficiency of primarily non-native speakers of Japanese. The test is administered
by Japan Education Exchanges
and Services, inside Japan, and by the Japan Foundation outside Japan.
The test has four different levels; the examinee can choose the level that best matches his or her
ability and training. Each test is made up of three sections: writing-vocabulary; listening; reading-grammar.
Prince Takamado Japan Centre for Teaching and Research
c/o Department of East Asian Studies
400 Arts Building, University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2E6
Fax: (780) 492-7440
Last updated: September 20, 2007
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