Lecture 8: The Internal Structure of the Sun

Chapter 16, 8th Ed. pages 403-413 or 3rd Ed. pages ???-???

The Sun

The Sun can be split into two regions:
  • The interior is a sphere with radius R = 7x108m
  • The atmosphere lies on top and has the following layers (from innermost to outermost):
    • The photosphere is about 300 km thick. Most of the Sun's visible light that we see originates from this region.
    • The chromosphere is about 2000 km thick. We only see this layer and the other outer layers during an eclipse.
    • The corona extends outwards for more than a solar radius.
A Photo of the Sun (Figure 18-9)
Surface temperature of the Sun is the temperature in photosphere - 5800 K


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The Sun Interior is a Spherical Ball of Hot Gas

Main Q:

How can a Spherical Ball of Gas radiate energy over long period of time remaining visibly unchanged ?

Four ingredients to understanding the Sun (and a star) interior:

  • Balance of forces between Gravity and Pressure - hydrostatic equilibrium
  • Balance of energy produced and radiated away - thermal equilibrium
  • Nuclear fusion in a stellar core as a source of energy.
  • How energy is transported from the core to the surface ?
A Photo of the Sun (Figure 18-9)

The Sun is a self-luminous ball of gas held together by its own gravity and powered by thermonuclear fusion in its core.
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Basic Physics: Gravity and Gas laws

  • Gravity causes all massive objects to be attracted to each other.
    • For two objects, the force causes one object to move towards the other according to Newton's law of gravitation: Law of Gravity: see page 81
    • Micorscopically, there are of order 1057 Hydrogen ions (and electrons) in the Sun, all attracted to each other by gravity.
    • But if an ion is outside, most of other ions that attract it are towards the center.
  • The Sun is a ball of hot gas (mainly Hydrogen and Helium). If one compresses gas, it heats up and its pressure increases
  • Attraction of outer layers by the inner ones towards the center can be balanced by pressure of the inner layers. Then we achieve the hydrostatic equilibrium
  • The spherical shape is the equilibrium shape that has least energy (in comparison with irregular shapes). Like, for example, water droplets where the surface tension is balanced by the pressure.

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Hydrostatic Equilibrium

  • The particles in a hot gas are in motion.
  • The motion of the gas particles creates gas pressure P
  • A gas in a bottle exerts an outward force on the wall of the bottle:
    Force = Pressure x Area
    where Area is the surface area of the bottle.
  • In a star two forces act on the star's gas:
    • Gravity: pulls gas inwards
    • Gas Pressure from below: pushes gas outwards
    • Gas Pressure from above: pushes gas inwards
  • The balance between gravity and net gas pressure difference is called hydrostatic equilibrium.
Figure 18-3
  • When hydrostatic equilibrium is reached, the star will be stable, and its size will stay constant.
  • If hydrostatic equilibrium is broken, it is restored very quickly, on a dynamical timescale ~ 15 min for the Sun

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Structure of the Sun's Interior

  • At deeper layers inside the Sun, the weight of the outer layers is larger. The Sun must have a higher temperature and pressure deep inside in order to balance the larger weight.
  • The Sun's temperature and pressure and the gas desnity is largest in the centre and decreases outwards.
Figure 18-4
  • Central Temperature
    Tc = 15 million K
  • Central Density
    &rhoc = 150 tons/m3
  • Central Pressure
    Pc = 1011 atm

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Source of Solar energy

  • How much energy a hot ball of gas it temperature T~106 contain ?
    • one atom has energy, on average, approx

      kB T = 1.3806503 x 10-23 J K-1 x 106 K = 1.4 x 10-17 J

    • We have 1057 atoms, so the total energy stored

      E ~ 1040 J

  • Sun luminosity is 4 x 1026 Watt, i.e that much Joules per second
  • I.e amount of stored energy in hot gas is enough for time t

    t = 1040 J / 4 x 1026 W = 2 x 1013 sec = 106 years

    Thermal timescale is too short ! Need another source of energy !
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Nuclear Fusion: The Source of the Sun's Energy

Some History:
  • 1905: Albert Einstein showed that Mass can be converted to Energy. Equation describing the Equivalence of mass and energy is E = m c2.
  • 1920: Frederick Aston carefully measured the masses of Hydrogen and Helium. He found: (u = 1.66 x 10-27kg)
    • mH = 1.007825 u
    • 4 x mH = 4.031280 u
    • mHe = 4.002677 u
  • 4 Hydrogen atoms are a tiny bit more massive than one Helium atom.
  • 1920: Sir Arthur Eddington combined the discoveries of Aston and Einstein with the following proposal:
    • In the Sun the nuclear reaction 4 H -> He occurs.

    • Every time this reaction occurs mass is lost and converted to energy.

    • Mass difference = 4.8 x 10-29kg

    • Fraction of mass lost = (4 x mH - mHe)/(4 x mH) = 0.007

    • Energy produced = 4.8 x 10-29kg x (3 x 108)2 = 4.3 x 10-12 J
  • 1930: Hans Bethe proposed the following reaction steps called the proton-proton chain: (Hans Bethe was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics in 1967 for this work and other discoveries in stellar nuclear astrophysics.)

    1. 11H + 11H &rarr 12H + e+ + &nu
      Figure 18-2
      • 11H = nucleus of regular Hydrogen = 1 proton
      • 12H = nucleus of Deuterium = Heavy Hydrogen = 1 proton + 1 neutron
      • e- = electron
      • e+ = positron = anti-matter partner to the electron (same mass as electron, but positive charge)
      • &nu = neutrino = neutral particle with very tiny mass

      This is an extremenly low probability reaction which defines slowness of hydrogen buring in stars and stars long life

      • A proton at T=107 K and &rho=105kg/m has 108 head-on collisions per second with other protons
      • However, most of the collision are fruitless. Either proton is repelled by Coulomb electric force, or proton does not convert into neutron. Only one in 1025 collisions succeed !
      • That means, that on average a given proton will get fused into deuterium after 1025 / 108 s = 1017 = 10 billion years !!
      • But there are 1032 protons in 1 m3. So we still have 1032 /1017 s = 1015 reactions per second in each quibic meter.

    2. 12H + 11H &rarr 23He + &gamma
      Figure 18-2
      • 23He = light isotope of Helium = 2 protons + 1 neutron

    3. 23He + 23He &rarr 24He + 11H + 11H
      Figure 18-2
      • 24He = regular Helium = 2 protons + 2 neutrons

    4. There is a competition to the last step. 3He can meet 4He rather than 3He.
      23He + 24He &rarr add one more 11H and get two 24He + &nu + e+

Where is the released energy ?

It is in kinetic energy of neutrinos and photons.
Whatever the exact sequence of events

4 11H &rarr 24He + 2 &nu + 2 e+ &rarr 24He + 2 &nu + &gamma's

Two neutrinos and two positrons what has to appear to convert 2 protons into 2 neutrons

Total energy release in synthesizing one 4He is 26.73 Mev

Where does released energy go ?

  • Photons scatter efficiently and their energy heat the gas
  • Neutrinos practically do not interact with anything, and fly through the Sun in just over 2 seconds taking their energy away