Lecture 29: Observed Properties of the Universe


  • The word Universe refers to all existing regions of space.
  • Cosmology is the study of the properties of the Universe.
  • Cosmology includes the study of how the Universe's properties change with time.

Observed Properties of the Universe

1. The Sky is Dark at Night (Olbers' Paradox)

  • Early astronomers Edmund Halley and Heinrich Olbers (1758 - 1840) wondered why the sky is dark at night.
  • They wondered, if the sky is filled with an infinite number of stars, the sky shouldn't be dark.
  • If you look in any direction, your line of sight should always hit a star, and no matter how far away it is, some of its light should hit your eyes. This statement holds for either stars or galaxies.
  • This statement is known as Olbers' paradox.
  • (Although the brightness of a star is inversely proportional to the square of the distance, the number of stars counted increases as the square of the distance.)
  • Edgar Allen Poe (1809 - 1849) came up with the following solution to Olbers' paradox:

    Since light has a finite speed, if the Universe is not infinitely old, then light from the most distant sources has not had enough time to travel to us.

  • Poe's solution suggests that the Universe had an early period when no stars (or galaxies) existed, and that they only formed some time ago. In other words the properties of the Universe are not constant in time.
Olbers' paradox

2. Hubble's Redshift - Distance Relation.

Out to distances of 4000 Mpc (or a redshift of z=1) every galaxy whose distance can be measured obeys Hubble's redshift relation: The further away a galaxy is away from us, the larger its redshift is.

Evidence supporting the view that a galaxy's redshift (z) is proportional to its distance away from us for other galaxies:
  1. Galaxies outside of our Local Group are all redshifted (no observations of blueshifted galaxies beyond a Mpc).
  2. Over the last 80 years, as more powerful telescopes have been built, these telescopes have been used to find the distance to much further galaxies and these galaxies have all obeyed Hubble's redshift law. Therefore: Hubble's redshift law is not just a "local" effect.
  3. Whenever we observe gravitationally lensed galaxies, the lensed arc-shaped image of the background galaxy is always at a larger redshift then the foreground galaxy (or cluster of galaxies) which causes the lensing.
  4. The quasars with smaller redshifts (z < 1.0) have been easily resolved into the shape of a galaxy, while the larger redshift quasars (at z ~ 4) are difficult to resolve. This suggests that the high redshift quasars are further away and thus are more difficult to resolve.

3. Evolution of Galaxy Properties

  • When we look at galaxies with large redshifts, we see that their properties tend to be different than galaxies with small redshifts.
  • For instance, quasars only appear at larger redshifts.
  • Galaxies in the Hubble Deep an Ultra-Deep Fields are much smaller than galaxies today.
  • This suggests that the properties of galaxies have evolved with time and as an extension, the properties of the universe have changed with time.
  • This suggests that the universe is not static or unchanging.

4. Uniformity of the Universe at Large Scales

  • Maps of the universe (Cfa, Los-Campanos, 2dF, SDSS and other redshift surveys) at distance scales of a few 100 Mpc show large superclusters (The Great Wall) and large voids with no galaxies.
  • Maps of the universe at larger scales (out to z = 0.3) show that the distribution of galaxies is smoother when one averages over 1000 Mpc.
  • At the largest distance scales that we can measure out to, there is no direction in the sky with more galaxies than the other directions.
  • Since the distribution of galaxies at the largest scales is the same in all directions, we call the universe isotropic.
  • This isotropy could be due to the Milky Way being at the "centre" of the universe.
  • However most astronomers adopt the Copernican philosophy which states that we are not at a special location in the universe.
  • If we are not at a special location, then observers living in another galaxy cluster will measure a similar sky map.
  • This leads to the assumption that the universe is homogeneous in space.

5. Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation

  • When we say that the sky looks dark at night, this is only because our eyes are sensitive to only a tiny part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
  • If we look at any part of the sky with a radio telescope, we see a glow of radiation coming from all directions.
  • The spectrum of the radiation from the sky can be measured and corresponds to blackbody radiation of a temperature of 2.73 K (Nobel Prize, 2006).
  • (In order to see this spectrum we have to look at a part of the sky where the Milky Way and other nearby stars are absent.)
  • This spectrum peaks a radio wavelength near 1mm which is sometimes called microwave.
  • This radiation from the sky is called the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR).

  • Hot emission ~5K was predicted by theorists as a leftover of the hot early stage of the Universe evolution.
  • This 2.73 K emission was discovered by Robert Wilson and Arno Penzias in the early 1960's.
  • They were testing a very sensitive microwave receiver which was to be used to communicate with a satellite.
  • They were discouraged by a constant hiss which they continued to detect whenever they pointed the receiver at apparently empty parts of the sky.
  • They soon learned that the "Big Bang" model of the universe predicts that there was an early phase of the universe's life when it was filled with radiation.
  • The early predictions were that the radiation should have a temperature (measured today) less than 10 K.
  • Penzias and Wilson were awarded the Nobel Prize in physics for their discovery.
Figure 28-5

Detailed CMBR Maps reveal fluctuations of temperature

  • Modern measurements of the CMBR show that the temperature is very smooth, that it is almost constant in all directions.
  • This smoothness lends support for the claim that the universe is isotropic (and homogeneous) at large distance scales .
  • However, small temperature fluctuations should exist: some areas of the sky are hotter or cooler than 2.73 K by 3 x 10-5 K
  • Such fluctuations at the level 3 x 10-5 K were discovered by the COBE satellite in 1992. (Nobel prize 2006)
  • Now they are measured very accurately, for example by WMAP and recently launched Planck satellites.
  • The Milky Way galaxy lies along the horizontal axis, and its light has been subtracted out of WMAP picture.
  • The red spots are hotter than average.
  • The blue spots are cooler than average.
  • Cooler regions correspond to regions of the early universe which were denser than average.
COBE map
COBE temperature map, 1998

WMAP map
WMAP temperature map, 2008

6. Abundance of Elements

  • The abundance of elements seen in the oldest (Pop II) stars is approximately 75% Hydrogen (by mass) and 25% Helium with only a tiny fraction of a percentage of other elements.
  • Hydrogen and Helium are two of the simplest elements.
  • The fact that the oldest stars are composed of practically only Hydrogen and Helium, suggests that at the time the first stars were formed only Hydrogen and Helium existed.
  • A theory of the Universe should explain why only Hydrogen and Helium are seen and their relative abundances.

Next lecture: The Expanding Universe