The student shall be able to do the following:
Discuss the antigens of the system under the following headings: total number, symbols of the five most important ones, immunogenicity, inheritance (Fisher-Race, Wiener), development at birth, distribution in the body, dosage effect, nomenclatures (Fisher-Race, Shorthand), major variations in racial distribution.
List the Caucasian frequencies of the antigens D, C, E, c and e and state the most common Rh genotype.
Discuss the antibodies of the system under the following headings: usual antigenic stimuli, immunoglobulin classes, methods of detection, ability to bind complement, clinical significance.
Describe the inheritance of weak D phenotypes, i.e., Du (gene interaction, mosaic and hereditary types), describe the method of Du detection, and discuss the Rh status of weak D as a blood donor and as a blood recipient.
Discuss pros and cons of testing for weak D, including its clinical relevance.
Describe Rh(D) typing procedures under the following headings: constituents and indications for use of saline anti-D and slide and modified tube anti-D (including synonyms for each), quality control procedures (selection of autocontrols, positive and negative antisera controls), and resolution of problems caused by red cells with a positive DAT.
Describe the characteristics, quality control, and uses of chemically modified anti-D.
Describe the characteristics, quality control, and uses of monoclonal/polyclonal anti-D.
Describe the method of Rh phenotype determination and determine possible and probable Rh genotypes from typing results.
Determine Rh genotypes based on results of typings done on pedigrees.
Assessment for Internet-based modules is based on a Pass/Fail status. To receive credit for a module, you must pass each assignment, demonstrate satisfactory performance for participation in the module, and meet module deadlines.
More specifically, assessment is based on these criteria:
Work of satisfactory quality must be submitted for assignments, with the pass mark set at 70%. Besides evaluation, assignments are meant to enhance learning. If work quality is inadequate, an exercise will be returned as unacceptable with comments and suggestions for improvement. You will then have time to improve and resubmit it by a mutually agreeable due date. If the revised work is acceptable, you will then receive credit for it.
Participation in class discussions must be of satisfactory quantity and quality. Participating in class discussions is mandatory. This is achieved by exercises that require you to post comments and questions to the class mailing list.
Assignments must be submitted according to due dates and within the time limit set for the module. Late work will not be accepted unless a delay has been negotiated with the instructor.
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