26 - 28 October 2007
Edmonton, Alberta

Putting Region in its Place
An Interdisciplinary Conference on Health, Healing and Place


The program is subject to minor changes as details are finalized

Keynote speakers:

Joseph P. Gone — Department of Psychology and Program in American Culture (Native American Studies), University of Michigan

John V. Pickstone — Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine, University of Manchester

Rob Shields — Henry Marshall Tory Chair, Department of Sociology, University of Alberta


Preliminary Program

Registration, October 26, 2007 3-4pm Telus Centre

Session A (two concurrent panels - 4:00 - 5:40)

Panel A1: Emplacing Identity and Health

Chair:  Christopher Fletcher, Associate Professor, Anthropology, University of Alberta

Celeste Henery, University of Texas at Austin
With Our Songs
: Black Women's Collective Health and Activism – A Contribution from Brazil

Hugo De Burgos, University of British Columbia, Okanagan
Placing Illness in Cultural Territory in Nicaragua

Jody Decker, Wilfrid Laurier University
The Contested Nature of Health, Disease and Illness and Their Intersections with Place

Brenda Parlee, University of Alberta
Resource Development and the Transformation of Place

Panel A2:  Community Building, Place and Profession

Chair:  Erika Dyck, Assistant Professor, History/Division of Studies in Medical Education, University of Alberta

Victoria Blake, Durham University
Placing Professionalisation: the Role of Medical Associations in North East England, 1848-1914

Jonathan Reinarz, University of Birmingham
Putting Medicine in its Place: Geographies of Medicine in Provincial England

Peter Twohig, St. Mary's University
Education, Expertise and Occupational Identity: The case of staffing Saskatchewan's Hospitals, 1945-1960

Friday, October 26, 2007 – 7:30pm Banquet/Reception
11639-Jasper Avenue Telephone (780) 482-2600

Welcoming Remarks:  Erika Dyck and Christopher Fletcher, on behalf of the Organizing Committee

Opening Address:  Rob Shields, Henry Marshall Tory Chair, Sociology, University of Alberta

Saturday, October 27, 2007 – Telus Conference Centre

8:30-9:00                    Coffee/Breakfast

9:00-10:40                  Session 1 (two concurrent sessions)

Panel A1:  The Body Politic of Place

Chair:  Christopher Dooley, PhD Candidate, Department of History, York University

Christine Schreyer, University of Alberta
T'aakhú Téixh'i” The Heart of the Taku: Metaphors of body and the Taku River Tlingit

Lianne McTavish, University of Alberta
Place and Canadian Abortion Politics

Barb Keith, Clinical Supervisor, Addictions, Aboriginal Wellness Program, Vancouver Coastal Health
The Greener Grass Construct: Exploring Healthcare and Location

Panel A2:  The Ideal and the Region 

Chair:  Megan Davies, Associate Professor, Centre for Health and Society, York University

Geertje Boschma, University of British Columbia
Region and Rehabilitation in the Deinstitutionalization Era, 1950-1980

Geoffrey Hudson, Northern Ontario School of Medicine
Regions and Disability Politics in Ontario, 1975-1985

Sarah Glassford, AMS Nursing History Research Unit, University of Ottawa
A "Made in Canada" Plan?: The Canadian Red Cross Society Translates International Health Priorities into National, Provincial, and Local Action, 1919-1939

Alvin Finkel, Athabasca University
Why the Campaign for Universal Medicare Was Successful in Canada and Failed in the United States

10:45 – 11:15             Mid-morning Break (coffee/tea)

11:15 – 12:55             Session 2 (two concurrent sessions)

Panel B1:  Place & Race

Chair:  Sarah Carter, Tory Chair and Professor, Department of History & Classics and Faculty of Native Studies, University of Alberta

Ebba Olofsson, Culture and Mental Health Research Unit, Jewish General Hospital/McGill University
Remembrance of Illness and Recovery:  The Tuberculosis Epidemic among the Inuit in the 1950s

Maureen Lux, Brock University
An Ideal Home for the Consumptive: Place, Race and Tuberculosis in the Canadian West

Robin A. Yates, University of Victoria
First Nations Women Leaders:  Connecting Culture, Community, and the Health of Youth

Susan Smith, University of Alberta
Place, Health, and War:  Mustard Gas Experiments in Transnational Perspective

Panel B2:  Rural Regions 

Chair:  Jill Konkin, Associate Dean of Rural Medicine, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, University of Alberta

Megan Davies, York University
Region and the Transformative Process of Analysis:  Health and Place in History

Sasha Mullally, St. Mary's University
From Smokey Mountain to Moosehead Lake: Region and Travel in Rural Medicine, 1920s-1950s

Wilfreda Thurston, University of Calgary
BSE and Aboriginal Farm Family Health/Differential Impact of BSE on Farm Family Health by Province

Stephen Mawdsley, University of Alberta
The Field Trial on Trial, 1954-1955

1:00– 2:00                  Lunch (provided)

2:00-3:40                    Session 3 (two concurrent sessions)

Panel C1:  Dislocations

Chair:  Christopher Fletcher, Associate Professor, Anthropology, University of Alberta

David Scheffel, Thompson Rivers University
When a Slum becomes a Ghetto: The Consequences of Residential Segregation for the Health of Rural Slovak Roma

Lia Ruttan, et al., University of Alberta
Locating the Street: in North America/ in Edmonton

Elyzabeth Gaumer, University of Chicago
Residential Stability and Health among Urban Renters:  Differentiating the Effects of Poor Housing Quality on Self-rated Health

Helen Vallianatos, Univeristy of Alberta
Health Across Places: Migration, Construction of Social Places, and Conceptions of Wellbeing

Panel C2:  Big World, Little Places

Chair:  Nairne Cameron, Post-doctoral Fellow, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta

Thomas Strickland, McGill University
Between a Mountain and a Glen: Big Hospitals with Little Problems

Charles Mather and Amanda Vansteelandt, University of Calgary
Space, Disease, and the Ward of the 21st Century

Kyla Elizabeth Sentes, University of Alberta
Occupational Health in the Developing World: Counter Development in Action

Robbyn Seller, McGill University (Family Medicine) and Ellen Rosenberg, McGill University (Family Medicine)
Out of Place: Interpreters in the Waiting Room

3:45-4:15                    Afternoon Break – Coffee/Tea

4:15-6:00                    Session 4 (two concurrent sessions)

Panel D1:  Region as Experience

Chair:  Kristin Burnett, Assistant Professor, History, Lakehead University

Jennifer Martin, University of Alberta
An Oasis in the Midst of Modernization: Traditional Medicine in Tunisia

Marko Zivkovic, University of Alberta
Places of Power and Memory in Post-Milosevic Serbia

Matthew Smith, University of Exeter
A Place for Hyperactivity: Cold War Politics, the "Brain Race" and the Origins of Hyperactivity in the United States, 1957-1968

Panel D2: The North as a Region

Chair:  Shannon Stunden Bower, Post-doctoral Fellow, History, University of Alberta

Liza Piper, University of Alberta
Chronic Disease in the Yukon River Basin, 1880-1980

Laura Ishiguro, Simon Fraser University
Roving Physicians and Three Storeys of Brick: Space, Colonial Medicine and the Local in Ste. Theresa's Hospital, Chesterfield Inlet, 1931-1949

Carly Dokis, University of Alberta
"There Are No Doctors for the Fish": Industrial Impacts and Sickness in Sahtu Dene Environmental Assessment Discourse

5:45-6:45        Keynote:  Joseph P. Gone
"Three Places Where I Was Given the Power to Heal and Cure": Gros Ventre Ethnotherapeutics and the Career of Bull Lodge

Dinner – on your own

Sunday, October 28, 2007 – Telus Conference Centre

9:00-9:30                    Coffee/Breakfast

9:30-11:00      Session 6 – Workshop Discussion

Presentation by John Pickstone, University of Manchester

Followed by a moderated session on the conference themes.

11:00 – 1:00   Lunch and Discussion of Photo Exhibits - Lobby

Pieter de Vos Poverty in a Land of Plenty

Douglas Woudstra Selection of photos from the 2007 Medical Students' Association's International Health Photo Contest