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9. Life in Canada

A. Relationships/contact with Canadians

  2301   I would like to tell Canadians that multicultural society is very important and they should not undervalue that.
  2111   I would like to stress that people here should really accept us with open heart. People like us really need home.
  1721   People need to be sensitive to refugee needs and experience. They have been through so much and the smallest comment could harm their confidence and self-esteem. Be patient, understanding and considerate.
  2182   Canadians should give us a chance to show what we know.
  2302   I would tell Canadians to accept more about different countries. I am telling about Canadians in general.
  0181   All people in Canada should help each other and be one united group.
  3142   It's very important to make friends with Canadians.
  2501   Canadian family volunteer will be very helpful.
  3062   Being in a small town first makes it easier to become familiar with Canadian way of life - people can be more helpful.
  1501   People coming to Canada should have contact with people who speak the same language - to reassure and comfort.

B. Comments regarding success in Canada

  2722   I found the place to live!
  1283   It wasn't that easy to settle down into Canadian society at first.
  2361   I overlooked what it feels to be alone with no relatives to turn to.
  0081   When I came people here did not know how to help refugees, but it is better now, e.g., I had to pay for everything in hotel, no help reading menu). I am glad it is better now.
  3191   The hard time it was when I didn't have a job. I am happy now; I have a job.
  0172   My expectations about life in Canada were much higher than the reality. However, I'm still very happy with my life now.
  1071   Everything is possible if you work hard. You have to accept that when you first come here it will be hard but if you are patient and work hard you will get there.
  3181   I have felt confident about my life since my arrival in Canada. In the refugee camp I was depending on others but now I can support myself and my family. Canada has been very good for us.
  0382   Canada is better than home country.
  0710   It's been a good ride.

C. Culture and culture shock

  2881   We should keep our own cultures but also be part of one large Canadian culture.
  1481   I would like other people to come in Canada. I'm worried about future for kids - too much freedom. Need more family values - families are suffering - not having time for each other.
  1263   Too much affection in public. Too many young women having babies (in Canada) and not being married.
  1264   There are too many single females having sex and babies before they are married. Canadian law doesn't do anything about this. Stop smoking and drinking in Canada.

D. Concern for children

  2771   I'm happy to be here. My children have good opportunities to make something of their lives here.
  0461   He is especially concerned for children.
  0431   I don't like the weather, especially in winter -- I'm scared for my children when they have to walk 3-5 blocks. I worry about their safety.
  0571   After 4 months, 3 a.m. in the morning somebody broke my window (we don't know who and how) - my little kid (4 years old) was hurt - we called police, they came next morning - never found out who did it - I was pregnant then, I could lose my baby due to shock.
  1711   They don't care of children as children in this society. Are looked at as if they are just obligation rather than necessity or pleasure in life.
  1741   I think that Canadian society appreciates and respects more having pets than children.


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