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8. Money

  1251   The government is decreasing funding for refugees - I am worried about that - the money should be increased.
  2260   It was quite hard to survive through the first year with $395 a month.
  2352   I hope the government could give me a little more money. It's hard for a woman of my age (or any age) to survive on $450 a month.
  0841   Allowance given to refugees, especially those with families, needs to be increased. A flat of pop cost $2.99 in 1993 and now it costs $5.99 - cost of groceries and overall living is higher, but support money given to refugees remains the same.
  0900   When people move to Canada as refugees they need help and the money the get for one year is not enough to support 1 person/family. Everything is very expensive here but the support money remains the same.
  0951   Need to increase money to refugees - Alberta is oil rich yet the refugees have to struggle when they come here. Money given is decreased and cost of living increased.
  0952   Money given to refugees needs to be increased, as do social service or welfare benefits. The prices for food and living have increased but the money received remains the same or is decreased.
  1512   Increase money given to refugees - the cost of living is high.
  0462   Amount of money given to refugees for a year is not enough for families.
  0040   We need more money to get started.
  2381   I miss my family from back home and am worried about my financial situation.
  2382   To increase wages and cut back the administration.
  0422   Better wages - this is enough just for surviving. I will lose my health for nothing. People deserve better wages.
  0451   Many issues that make our adjustment to Canada harder and slower such as lack of understanding in Canadian income tax system; travel loan money misunderstanding on relationship between Ottawa (Revenue Canada) and newcomers about paying back travel loan.

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