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Churchill, Stacy and I. Kaprielian. Coping with Pluralism in Ontario Education: A Review of Policies and Programs: Final Report. Toronto: Modern Language Centre, 1989.

Citizenship and Immigration Canada. Growing Together, a Backgrounder on Immigration and Citizenship. Hull, PQ: Citizenship and Immigration Canada, 1995.

City of Halifax Social Planning Department. Southeast Asian Refugees in Halifax: A Study of their Needs and the Services Which are Available to Them. Halifax, NS: Halifax Social Planning Department, 1980.

City of Vancouver Task Force. Background Paper on the Laotian, Cambodian and Hmong Refugees. Vancouver, City of Vancouver, 1980.

Davis, S. and L. Waldman. The Quality of Mercy: A Study of the Processes Available to Persons Who Are Determined Not to be Refugees and Who Seek Humanitarian and Compassionate Treatment. Ottawa: Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration Canada, 1994.

Derwing, T. and M. Munro. Citizenship Instruction for Adult (ESL) Learners : An Assessment of Programmes and Services Ottawa: Dept of the Secretary of State, Corporate Policy Branch, 1987.

Deschamps, Gilles. Etude longitudinale sur I'adaptation socio-economique des refugies Indochinois au Quebec: Bilan apres un an de sejour. Montreal: Ministere des Communautes culturelles et de Fimmigration, Gouvernement du Quebec, 1982.

Hathaway, James C. with the assistance of Leanne MacMillan. Rebuilding Trust: Report of the Review of Fundamental Justice in Information Gathering and Dissemination at the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada. Toronto: York University, 1993.

Immigration Legislative Review Advisory Group. Not Just Numbers, a Canadian Framework for Future Immigration Ottawa: The Advisory Group, 1997.

International Refugee Integration Resource Centre. IRIRC International Bibliography of Refugee Literature (Working Edition). Geneva: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNHCR, 1985.

Jones, P. R. "Vietnamese refugees: A study of their reception and resettlement in the UK" Paper No. 13. London: Home Office Research and Planning Unit, 1982.

Legislative Review Advisory Group. Immigration Legislative Review : Persons in Need of Protection. Ottawa: Citizenship and Immigration Canada. 1997.

Marsden, L.R. Final Report: Children of Refugee Households in Canada. Working Paper. Ottawa: Employment and Immigration Canada, 1977.

McDade, Katharine. Barriers to Recognition of the Credentials of Immigrants in Canada. Ottawa, 1988.

Nash, Alan. International Refugee Pressures and the Canadian Public Policy Response. Discussion paper Institute for Research on Public Policy. Studies in Social Policy Program. Ottawa: Institute for Research on Public Policy, Studies in Social Policy, 1989.

Nash, Alan E. Human Rights and the Protection of Refugees under International Law: proceedings. Halifax: Institute for Research on Public Policy and Ottawa: Canadian Human Rights Commission, 1988.

Neuwirth, Gertrude et al. Southeast Asian Refugee Study: A Report on the Three Year Study of the Social and Economic Adaptation of the Southeast Asian Refugees to Life in Canada, 1981-1983. Ottawa: Employment and Immigration Canada, 1985,

Neuwirth, G., S. Jones and J. Eyton. Immigrant Settlement Indicators: A Feasibility Study. Ottawa: Employment and Immigration Canada, 1989.

Neuwirth, Gertrud. The Settlement of Ethiopian Refugees in Toronto: An Exploratory Study. Ottawa: Employment and Immigration Canada, 1989.

Neuwirth, Gertrud. The Settlement of Salvadoran Refugees in Ottawa and Toronto : an Exploratory Study. Ottawa: Supply and Services Canada, 1989.

Ontario Legal Aid Review. A Blueprint for Publicly Funded Legal Services: Report. Toronto: The Review, 1997.

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