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This project would not have been possible without the many discussions, interviews, brainstorming sessions, observations, creativity and contributions of numerous people from many countries and many langauge groups. Thank you all for being a part of this groundbreaking project!

Special thanks to the principal co-designer Jessie Beier, principal co-constructor Erika Jarowicz, and the development and editorial contributions of Alexandra Stephen, Jurij Fedyk and Lisa Denholm.

We are also very grateful for the feedback to earlier versions of the site and for the audio and video input of the following people:

Dominique Adams
Laina Balser
Mykola Bilash
Bob Bolt
Catherine Boyd
Mike Carbonara
Dr. Irene Cheng
Luba Eshenko
Paige Ferguson
Ivan Filippov
Laurie Folliott
Tamie Froment
Normand Fortin
Lynnette Harbison
Karen Harries

Masahiro Kazawa
Kristina Kastelan-Sikora   
Hyekyung Kim
Irene Kolomijchuk
Toshi Hide Koyama
Nicole Lamarre
Kate Lange
Amy Meckelborg
Delia McCrae
Lily McKay-Carriere
Jules Mounteer
Tamara Neumann
Dr. Norma Nocente
Valeria Palladino
Josephine Pallard 


Marta Prystasz
Nathaniel Rossol
Rita Sarrate
Mitsuhiro Sato
Chiaki Sato
Isaac Schnell
Louis Soop
Dean Fern Snart
Patrice Teveniuk
Magda Tundak
Kiran Ubhi
German Vidal 
Dr. Lynn Wiltse
Dr. Joe Wu 


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Copyright © Olenka Bilash May 2009 ~ Last Modified January 2011