EDSE 452/453 Biological Sciences in the Advanced Professional Term

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Science Fairs

ScienzFair Project Ideas This site provide numerous ideas that can be used to develop a science fair project.

Cyber Fair Created for and by students in grades 3 through 6. Students and teachers the world-over are welcome
to visit this site to: read the results of student science fair projects; look for ideas for their own projects; and share the results of their projects with other students.

Science Fairs Homepage A project of the Eastern Newfoundland Science Fairs Council, this homepage is designed to aid students in the most difficult aspect of their science fair experience; getting an idea.

Science Fair Project Resources From the Internet Public Library, this site is hyperlinked to various sites and is organized to include a "how to" section, samples, ideas, links to online resources.

Science Fair Primer This is the site of a high school teacher, describing for students the process for developing an effective science fair project. He also includes 100s of ideas based on 15 years of experience.

Science Fair Links from About.com These sites will get you started on your science fair project with resources and tools you can use.

It's Science Fair Time! This 8-week science fair "game plan" will help you reduce the stress and anxiety normally associated with science fairs.

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University of Alberta Flag This site contains many links that take you outside of this site, therefore the Univeristy of Alberta and its employees are not responsible for their content. This site was developed by Anita Parker for Dr. Norma Nocente, Faculty of Education at University of Alberta. Last Updated September 16, 2002
© Copyright 2002, University of Alberta