EDSE 452/453 Biological Sciences in the Advanced Professional Term

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Environmental and Earth Science Links

Environmental Science

Environment Canada This is a great place to learn about how human actions affect the environment, and to explore Envirozine, Environment Canada's online magazine.

PollutionWatch Scorecard Here is your source for information about the chemicals that manufacturing facilities release in your community. Simply type in your postal code or click on the map of Canada, to get the facts on pollution in your community, in your province and in Canada. You can also find out about the health effects and regulations concerning toxic chemicals and take action to voice your concerns.

David Suzuki Foundation: Finding Solutions News releases, weekly articles and other educational resources that explore human impacts on the environment, with an emphasis on finding solutions.

Environmental Inquiry This site offers resources to aid development of meaningful research projects in the areas of toxicology, watersheds, ecology and biodegradation. The mission of Environmental Inquiry (EI) is to support teaching and learning about the environmental sciences through teacher education, curriculum research and development, and scientific inquiry by students and teachers.

POP Goes Antarctica What does it take to be a scientist on Antarctica? How do you sterilize lab equipment? Students explore this website to find out about Antarctica and the work being done there to study Persistent Organic Pollutants. Student activities really try to put students in the real world of this project.

Earth Science

Matkins, Juanita J. & Murphy, Denise. (1999). Tornadoes and Lightning and Floods, Oh My! Weather-Related Web Sites for K–12 Science Lessons. Learning and Leading with Technology, 27(1), 36-41. This list of websites is categorized by topic (drought, hurricanes, air pressure, etc.) and grade level.

Weather Network Here you can find up-to-the minute information on weather conditions throughout the world. Also, 'Ask the Expert' has good information on interesting topics such as ElNino, clouds, and weather phenomena.

Stormy Weather Learn to use the Internet and software tools while doing atmosphere investigations for the middle school and high school, Earth/Space Science Classroom. All activities, especially the Weather Hunt, Storm Sampler and The Perfect Storm Webquest, are designed for use by cooperative groups and culminate in a final shared presentation. The Weather Hotlist and the Weather Scrapbook are easily adapted for use by individual students.

Geography4Kids Created to introduce students to the world and workings of physical geography and the planet. Topics include Energy, Sky, Land, Earth, Water and Climate.

Dive & Discover: Expeditions to the Seafloor Select an expedition and join scientists as they dive to the mid-ocean ridge thousands of meters deep. Explore towering underwater volcanoes, black smokers and the bizarre creatures that live there.

Walking with Prehistoric Beasts Welcome to the last 65 million years on Earth, which ushered in the rise of mammals, the freezing of the climate and the arrival of humans. Learn about the players (creatures from the Cenozoic Era), their habitat and the science behind these discoveries. Interactive features on this site allow students to Build a Beast from skeletal remains, view the changing environment of the creatures, and e-mail a scientist with unresolved questions.



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University of Alberta Flag This site contains many links that take you outside of this site, therefore the Univeristy of Alberta and its employees are not responsible for their content. This site was developed by Anita Parker for Dr. Norma Nocente, Faculty of Education at University of Alberta. Last Updated September 16, 2002
© Copyright 2002, University of Alberta