EDSE 452/453 Biological Sciences in the Advanced Professional Term

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Access Excellence Resources for biology teaching and learning, including: science updates, issues, ethics about biotechnology, activities exchange, and collaboration. Access Excellence is a national educational program that provides high school biology and life science teachers access to their colleagues, scientists, and critical sources of new scientific information via the World Wide Web.

The Biology Project This is an online interactive resource from the University of Arizona. Topics include: HIV; DNA Profiling; Cell Biology; Developmental Biology; Immunology and more.

Biology4Kids Created to introduce students to the world and workings of biology. Topics include Cells, Studies and Methods, Microbes, Plants, Invertebrates and Vertebrates.

Seeing, Hearing & Smelling the World From the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, this is an excellent resource for learning about our senses and nervous system.

Medline Health Information This well-organized resource site offers information on conditions, diseases and wellness, plus a medical encyclopedia. Also, a regularly-updated 'Current Health News' section.

MayoClinic.Com This is another health education site for the general public.

Beyond DiscoveryTM: The Path from Research to Human Benefit is a series of articles that trace the origins of important recent technological and medical advances. For example, 'The Hepatitis B Story'; 'Magnetic Resonance Imaging'; and 'Human Gene Testing'.

Bio-Ditrl This digital teaching resources for biology library will help you incorporate technology into your biology classrooms.

Instructional Multimedia From the department of biological sciences at UofA, you'll enjoy these simulations on every possible topic.

Biology Labs Online Offers a series of interactive, inquiry-based biology simulations and exercises designed for college and AP high school biology students. Thirteen different labs. Free trial period.

Froguts This site offers a free online dissection based lesson, available to teachers and students.

Plant Image Gallery This site should prove useful in the classroom for students learning plants as a part of their studies.

Molecular Expressions Features several photo galleries that explore the fascinating world of optical microscopy. This site is also a great resource for students to explore before their own work on microscopes, or after using microscopes to figure out how the images are captured.

The Multi-dimentional Human Embryo This is a three-dimensional image reference of the Human Embryo based on magnetic resonance imaging.

Biozone Biolinks This is an impressive hotlist with over 500 links covers biology, biotechnology, diseases, evolution and microbiology. Links are organized into 16 main topics and 65 subtopics that support health and science education. Browse the main link page for monthly updates.

The Biology Place The teams of leading educators at The Biology Place are continually creating resources for educators and students. For any biology topic, this site offers many learning opportunities such as WebQuests, current articles, quality internet links, and on-line tests. Educators may have a free 7-day trial, but there is a fee for extended use.

National Biological Information Infrastructure The NBII is an electronic gateway to biological data and information maintained by federal, state, and local government agencies; private sector organizations; and other partners around the nation and the world.

BugScope The Bugscope project is an educational outreach program for K-12 classrooms. The project provides a resource to classrooms so that they may remotely operate a scanning electron microscope to image "bugs" at high magnification. The microscope is remotely controlled in real time from a classroom computer over the Internet using a web browser.

Switcheroo Zoo Create new and exciting animals using Flash technology and your browser. Learn some basic animal facts then let the fur fly. Students can morph new pets, or use the legs, tail and head of animals to generate discussions of genetic engineering. Lesson plans are available for language arts and science.

POP Goes Antarctica What does it take to be a scientist on Antarctica? How do you sterilize lab equipment? Students explore this website to find out about Antarctica and the work being done there to study Persistent Organic Pollutants. Student activities really try to put students in the real world of this project.

Evolution This website, supporting the PBS series, puts many of the resources used in the series online. There are online activities for students and an eight-part series of activities for teachers teaching evolution in the classroom.

BioTerror NOVA follows three New York Times reporters as they investigate the murky past of bioweapons research and grapple with the current threat of anthrax and other attacks. This website can help students understand the history and science behind the attacks and give them a better
understanding of vaccines.


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University of Alberta Flag This site contains many links that take you outside of this site, therefore the Univeristy of Alberta and its employees are not responsible for their content. This site was developed by Anita Parker for Dr. Norma Nocente, Faculty of Education at University of Alberta. Last Updated September 16, 2002
© Copyright 2002, University of Alberta