EDSE 452/453 Biological Sciences in the Advanced Professional Term

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Astronomy Links

Your Sky This interactive planetarium enables you to produce sky maps of your own city. The virtual telescope allows you to set time and date, aiming point, orbital elements to track an asteroid or comet, and a variety of viewing options.

A Mystery of Space: Stars This ThinkQuest is a highly-interactive online learning experience for students, and a lessons/activity resource for teachers.

From Stargazers to Starships Author David Stern offers this online book, covering physics topics from Newtonian mechanics to Spaceflight and spacecraft.

Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (IPAC) - IPAC is NASA's multi-mission center of expertise for long-wavelength astrophysics. Check out the research section for great photos and recent discoveries.

Solar System Simulator Select from the options menus to have the simulator create a color image of your favorite planet or satellite!

Virtual Solar Systems Welcome to National Geographic’s Virtual Solar System, your chance to discover the wonders of our solar system in a spectacular 3-D environment. Take a fly-by tour of the sun and each planet in its orbit, observe close-up views of the planets, extraterrestrial weather patterns, and more.

Absolute Beginners Astronomy Page A general information site, with photos. Topics include Northern Lights, stars and more.

Astronomy Cafe This general information site features: Ask the Astronomer; A Career Guide; Astronomy Articles; Big Bang Cosmology and more.

The Odyssium Formerly the Edmonton Space and Sciences Centre, visit here to find out about galleries, exhibits and shows.

CERES Project This is an extensive library of on-line and interactive K-12 science education materials for teaching astronomy.


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University of Alberta Flag This site contains many links that take you outside of this site, therefore the Univeristy of Alberta and its employees are not responsible for their content. This site was developed by Anita Parker for Dr. Norma Nocente, Faculty of Education at University of Alberta. Last Updated September 16, 2002
© Copyright 2002, University of Alberta