EDSE 452/453 Biological Sciences in the Advanced Professional Term

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Assignment: Controversial Issue NetSplore

Resources: What is a NetSplore? and Science in the News
A NetSplore on NetSplores


One of the goals of science education in Alberta is to increase the scientific literacy of students. How can we prepare our students to become knowledgeable members of society able to make decisions on matters with a science connection? This assignment is an opportunity for you to promote the STS connection in an area of the junior or senior high curricula.

Select a science and/or technology related issue which reflects differing world views. This controversial issue could be an ecology issue, an issue of ethics in science or science in the news. Research the topic thoroughly, accumulating web sites, articles, film and stories which contain data and demonstrate multiple perspectives. These resources should provide an adequate amount of background information for students to understand the issue well enough to be able to make informed decisions. The controversial issue will be presented in the form of a WebQuest that will both promote scientific literacy and actively involve students.

You will work in groups of three. At least one member should have enough computer expertise to be able to create web documents and work with spreadsheets and databases. Each group will hand in the following:

  • a paper copy of the NetSplore,
  • the html files of the NetSplore,
  • a description of each group member's role in the assignment,
  • a self-assessment form, and 
  • the NetSplore evaluation form.

NOTE: Please see your instructor before commencing this assignment to ensure that all groups are researching different issues.

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